hva ES

Henrico Hunger Helpers

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

Kindergarten, 1st Grade, & 5th Grade - Social Studies, Reading

DLIS - Creative Communicator

Learning EXPERIenCE

This was a collaborative lesson between Kindergarten, first, and fifth grade which allowed students to communicate, and be critical and creative thinkers when it comes to solving hunger issues. Students researched and discussed food desserts, nutrition, and opportunities to eat better while participating in cross-curricular activities. The social studies research was done by the fifth-grade students and their slide show presentation was made to the kindergarten and first-grade students. All students participated in PE activities that reinforced good nutritional choices and fitness. The art teacher held a lesson that allowed the students to design and create a plate with demonstrating good food choices.

What students like about this experience:

"It helped us to learn how we can show kindness to people experiencing hunger. We communicated and collaborated with other grades to gain a better understanding of how hunger affects others. "

What the teacher likes about this experience:

Even though the students and teachers are virtual, we were able to collaborate on a cross-grade-level, multi-discipline lesson that embodied complex SOLs. It was nice to have older students take on a leadership role and teach younger students about hunger and what they learned after they researched and composed a layered slide show presentation. All students strengthened their life-ready skills by communicating, collaborating, and being creative and critical thinkers as they tackled this global issue of hunger.  

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

PE Nutrition Lesson-A. Newbill.mp4

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: