
Kinetic contraptions

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

5th Grade - Science, Language Arts, and Digital Learning 

DLIS-Empowered Learner

DLIS-Knowledge Constructor

Learning EXPERIenCE

Students started this project by writing a multiple paragraph essay about being in a snow globe.  They then brought their writing to life by recording a video of themselves reading their writing and then learning how to create green screen videos. After learning about circuits in science, students then applied  their knowledge to make a motorized snow globe.  By incorporating a variety of academic areas; science, writing, oral presentations, and technology, this project represents LifeReady learning by showing student learning as a whole and that learning doesn’t take place in an academic silo.  

What the student(s) like about this experience:

I like the mistakes that I made. I had to work through them and fix them – and it made it even better! I liked being able to help my friends when they couldn’t figure it out. I had friends that asked for help and nobody responded so I helped him because he didn’t know what he was doing.  - Miles N. 


I liked how I got to work with people who are nice. I got to talk with them and I really like making all of the stuff. We got to spray paint! I liked that I got to help a few people with their snow globe, too! - Izzy R. 


I liked the communication that we had when we talked about how we could help each other. For example, when we were putting the snow inside of the globe, we had to communicate to figure out how to make the motor spin. That’s also collaboration because we had to work together! I also liked that I had to think about how I was going to present the project!  - Josephine A.


I really liked working with other people and I liked how we had to help each other. I also liked how we each got a turn to do new things.  - Melissa T. 


What the teacher like about this experience: 

I really liked that students were able to creatively apply multiple content areas to this project.  It was also rewarding that even though students were completing this project individually, they collaborated and communicated their unique ideas and solutions to problems. 

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Students wote about a snow globe experience and recorded their writing on green screen.

Students built backgrounds for their snow globes.

They added three dimensional details.

Adding the motors and working with open and closed circuits was a lot of fun!

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: