springfield park

Get Fit with goal setting

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

3rd grade: ELA

DLIS:  Creative Communicator

Learning EXPERIenCE

This unit on goal setting posed the question, why do individuals often quit on their goals?  Students were tasked to research what goals are, why are they broken, what makes strong goals?  They started by researching the number 1 broken goal, fitness goals.  They were then tasked to create videos that may inspire others to stay motivated and keep their goals.  LAMP (library, art, music, PE) were used to help collaborate.  During this unit, students critically thought during their research on goal setting and worked collaboratively with their small groups to create and execute an exercise video using green screen.  Students exercised their creativity by creating their own beats and forming their own jingle using Quaver as well as crafting their own hand made posters for their jingle.  Students communicated within their own groups, class, then school by hosting all their work onto a Google Site for others to enjoy and enjoy while trying to stay motivated to keep their own goals.   Students reflected using Google Presentation template on what they learned and what they could improve upon.   Lastly, students created their own individual SMART goals and will hopefully have an easy time keeping them.

What the students like about this experience: 

"It is important to be responsible and prepared with “stuff” when doing schoolwork.  It helps us get ready to do hard things and understand hard stuff. It will get us ready for world challenges. We learned from our mistakes. I learned how to get better at teamwork and how to redesign because my group had to change a lot of things to get it right. I developed collaboration and communication skills and how to set goals.  I learned how to listen to others and how to combine other ideas into one big idea. Brainstorming was tough because there were a lot of ideas.  Not getting distracted or sidetracked was hard as was making decisions and compromising."

What the teacher likes about this experience: 

"What I liked best about this project was infusing different content areas and the HLP to support my ELA standards (3.1, 3.10). Students were able to communicate and collaborate with each other during my lesson as well as in art, music, pe, and library.  Students took charge of their learning and developed life ready skills that will help them as their learning progresses.  Students brought in quality character as they learned to listen to one another and make concessions to make every voice heard.  This project allowed me, individually, to work on communication and collaboration skills by working with my LAMP team and use their talents and knowledge.  This team collaboration allowed students to see this part of the HLP being modeled on them.  The final goal was understanding goal setting, and through our reflection, I can say they mastered how to set goals by understanding why goals fail." 

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

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Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: