colonial trail

Colonial Trail Welcome Kits

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

5th Grade - PBL & English Language Arts

DLIS - Innovative Designer

Learning EXPERIenCE

As part of a problem-based learning (PBL) activity addressing the ever-evolving population in their school, Colonial Trail Elementary School (CTES) students created New Cub Welcome Kits. Their idea aims to help alleviate some of the stress new students face. The project was student-driven as they worked collaboratively as a class, with staff members and other students at CTES, to determine the best items for the kit. The container for the New Cub Welcome Kit is a CTES drawstring bag. Additional items in the kit include a student-created brochure of CTES, complete with QR codes of essential links and a welcome video from Principal Kevin Schatz, CTES swag, school supplies, fidgets, letters from the staff, and much more. Finally, the students serve as ambassadors, greet the new students on their first day, present them with the kit, and walk them to class. 

What the student(s) like about this experience: 

"We think it’s important to become #LifeReady because as a student, we want to learn more about the real world and become global citizens. This experience made us more #LifeReady because we put ourselves in the shoes of the new kids and we had to understand them. "

What the teacher liked about this experience: 

"In a student-owned learning environment, being #LifeReady is ever-present. The students represent good citizens and kind humans. They care about the world beyond the walls of the classroom and school. Their collaboration, communication, creative and critical thinking, and desire for the greater good, transformed a Problem Based Learning opportunity into a schoolwide initiative."

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: