
Live From Jamestown

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

4th Grade: Virginia Studies

DLIS Creative Communicator

Learning EXPERIenCE

Students had the opportunity to practice the LifeReady skills of communication, collaboration, and creative thinking during this project. The project involved cross-curricular skills by combining reading and writing within the Virginia Studies curriculum. Finally, students used state-of-the-art video editing software, WeVideo, to create and edit their projects. Skipwith teachers strive to give students memorable learning experiences that build the 21st-century  skills students will need for success in school and later in their careers. 

What students like about this experience:

Learning to edit our videos on WeVideo was so cool! It was fun to be creative and add our own spin to the Jamestown interview. We were very nervous at the beginning of the project, but as we worked together we had a lot of fun!

What the teacher likes about this experience:

I loved how this project involved so many interdisciplinary skills! Students researched, wrote, and got creative with their presentations about Jamestown. I enjoyed seeing the collaboration between partners during the research, writing, and filming process. Editing on WeVideo was a highlight! Students showcased their #LifeReady skills throughout the process and are very proud of their creations! 

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: