
genetic Counseling 

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

6th grade: Life Science

DLIS: Knowledge Constructor


The Genetic Counseling Project is designed to be a student owned, authentic and connected learning experience that helps students understand the importance of genetics in the real world. Students were tasked with researching the genetic disorder from their case study (three different choices), then completed punnett squares to determine the likelihood of the case study family passing down the genetic disorder. Students then chose a medium to present their research and punnett square findings to their classmates in a Gallery Walk. Lastly, all students were asked to evaluate their own projects and critically think about their work skills throughout the duration of the project. 

What the students like about this experience: 

"This project allowed me to show my creativity and improve my critical thinking skills. I was able to learn and improve my research skills, typing skills and technology skills by putting together the final product. "

What the teacher likes about this experience: 

"The Genetic Counseling Project is an Authentic and Connected Learning Experience where students think critically about applying their Genetics knowledge to the real world. The project concludes with a gallery walk where students communicate what they learned with their classmates."

experience artifacts

Student Sample #1

Student Sample #2

Student Sample #3

Student Sample #4 

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: