rivers edge

Kinazium Mazium Extravaganza

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

5th Grade - Math and Computer Science

DLIS Standard: Innovative Designer

Learning EXPERIenCE

Students will use their engineering skills to design and build a maze using the Kinazium Mats along with computer science and math skills to code Sphero Minis as they race to the finish line. 

What the students like about this experience:


Carson C.


Chase H.


Reese O.


Riya B.


Zach M.

What the teacher likes about this experience: 

"This was a fabulous project that got the students really excited about engineering and coding.  I was so impressed to see how they collaborated to problem solve any obstacles that they came across.  Their creativity and communication skills really shined through while designing, building, and coding the Spheros through the Kinazium Maze."

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Kinazium Planning Sheet

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: