seven pines

rhythm & research: The Science of Music

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

5th Grade: Music, ELA

AASL: Inquire, Collaborate, & Engage

DLIS:  Knowledge Constructor, Creative Communicator

learning experience

With the support of the Henrico Education Foundation, music teacher, Mary Catherine Campbell and librarian, Emily Underwood, 5th grade students explored the science of sound as they researched the marimba and then chiseled, sanded, and tuned the planks to build a full-size marimba. Mr. Brent Holl a retired music teacher visited Seven Pines and engaged students in a hands-on, authentic learning exploration that engaged students in music exploration, deepening their knowledge and understanding of pitch and tone, while also connecting to math and science skills. 

What the students like about this experience:

“I liked that we built the marimba with our own hands and working with our classmates.  I also liked that Mrs. Campbell and the instructor supported us so we could make it as a class.  Later, when we were doing the research in the library, I liked that we were working on our own and it was independent.  I sometimes like working by myself because then I’m in control and can make my own decisions.  It was fun to have these two opportunities that were different.” --Kevin

"When we were building the marimba, it was cool that even though they were the same shape, they all made different sounds.  The instructor let us all work together and actually use the tools to build the marimba.  I had a partner, and we took turns after a while, and we had to tell each other if we were digging too deep, because it would mess up the sound.”--Ja'Ziyah

What the teacher(s) like about this experience:

"This project provided our students with an amazing opportunity to take something that they love and apply it to their academics from the planning of the instrument to the execution. This project allowed the grade level as a collective whole to practice and apply critical thinking skills, collaboration, communication, flexibility, leadership, creativity, and literacy. It will provide many conversations and learning experiences to come, bridging the gap between science and music for classes to come. " - Mrs. Campbell

"The students were able to choose an instrument they were interested in learning more about, and they applied their knowledge of both research and selecting sources to create a Google Slide to present their findings.  I always enjoy a chance to collaborate with my colleagues and offer the students a chance to carry a lesson over from their classrooms and other LAMPS classes.” - Ms. Underwood

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Students investigating how the depth of the ditch they carve in the wooden plank impacts the pitch it makes.

Students used mallets and chisels to carve out trenches or ditches in the wooden plank. The width and depth of each trench determine the sound that the plank will make when played!

Thank you to the Henrico Education Foundation for bringing this unique opportunity to the students at Seven Pines!

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: