
Kids' Choice Awards Featuring VRC Primary Books

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

K-2:Library, Reading

DLIS:  Creative Communicator

AASL: Include and Explore


Students listen to the Virginia Readers’ Choice books and create a page on each book using Book Creator (1st & 2nd) and Draw & Tell (K).  Not only do students show what they know and like about the books, but they also record themselves telling what the books are about and why someone should read it. 

After experiencing all books and completing projects, students participate in the “Kids' Choice Awards” where they have an opportunity to vote on their favorite book from the VRC Primary list.  These are then shared with the rest of the school and used to encourage other students to check out the VRC books!

What the student(s) like about this experience: 

"My favorite part of this experience was hearing new books that I now love, searching for images, and learning how to take pictures using my computer camera." - Jordin, 2nd Grader

What the teacher(s) like about this experience: 

"My favorite part of this experience for my students was seeing their faces light up and their eagerness to show me what they accomplished using the Draw & Tell App or the Book Creator Program." - Deanna Pollard, Librarian

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

A K student using Draw and Tell

A K student using Draw and Tell

A Book Creator page

Mrs. Pollard helping a student with his project.

Check out Mrs. Pollard's Reader's Choice website to see some of the reviews and which book won!

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: