deep run

Career Explorations

HLP Attributes & Skills

These 4 projects collectively represent LifeReady Learning at Deep Run through their emphasis on diving deeply into the exploration of future careers.  Each project represents students’ autonomy to choose their topic, plan their work, allocate resources, and implement their ideas.  Overall these projects reflect global citizen, critical thinking, creative thinking, and communication skills. Finally, students’ efforts reflects a broader goal of developing well-rounded individuals who are prepared for success beyond the classroom setting.  

Art IV: Advanced Art Honors
Project:  Justice and Liberty: Genesis
Career: Art Restorer
DLIS: Innovative Designer

ELA:  AP RESEARCH (Capstone)
Project:  Finding a Predictor of PVC-Cardiomyopathy
Career: Medical Researcher
DLIS: Empowered Learner

Project: Potato Launcher
Career: Engineering

DLIS: Innovative Designer

Biology II: Ecology
Project: Teaching Eco-Poetry
Career: Teacher
DLIS: Knowledge Constructor

What the student(s) like about this experience: 

Emma E.: To me, this project was a new beginning in my artistic style and has led me to keep creating to this day and to evolve my style to new heights that I could have never imagined. 

Zaara A.: Throughout the entire process, I was introduced to and had hands-on experience on professional work. I learned to use a specific medical software, Ponemah, to analyze ECGs.  

Dhruv M. & Abhay S.: This learning experience made us more life ready because it showed us that failure is crucial to understanding how to succeed. 

Mina R.: This learning experience has helped me become more life ready by forcing myself to continuously and repeatedly plan and revise my work after receiving constructive criticism. 

What the teachers like about this experience: 

Mr. Guyer: It has been such a pleasure to see Emma’s dedication to her work. Each work of art she creates teaches her exactly what she needs to include or omit in the next work of art. She has developed a beautiful process that not only hones her technical skill but also helps her become more familiar with a wide range of materials and techniques.  All of these things are her toolkit for meaningful expression and self-reflection.  She is an outstanding artist and creative leader. 

Ms. Oliver: Zaara’s project was meaningful because she made it personal, and went above and beyond to ensure her project had results that were useful to the medical community and individuals who might suffer from heart-related conditions.  After discovering that the caffeine in tea was linked to heart-related conditions, Zaara saw a need in her own community.  She took the initiative to find the hospital and research lab that would aid in her experiment.  Her new understanding discovered from her research will be used to jumpstart further research in this area. 

Mr. Lederer:  I enjoyed empowering the students to come up with a project that they felt a connection towards.  Mina is part of our Teacher’s for Tomorrow program and she did an excellent job fusing her career ambitions with our class content in order to create a meaningful ecology/poetry-based experience for the young students that she works with.

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Justice and Liberty: Genesis

Teaching Eco-Poetry

AhmedZaara_PVCCMfinalpaper - Zaara Ahmed.pdf

Finding a Predictor of PVC-Cardiomyopathy Paper

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: