
Community Support: 

The Remember Balloons, Symbolism and Fall Fest at COrnerstone Farm

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

Grade: 7th and 8th Grade

English/Language Arts

Backyard Urban Gardening (B.U.G.)

DLIS- Global Collaborator

Learning EXPERIenCE

The students in Ms. Bosch's English-Language Arts classes read a variety of fictional texts, including The Remember Balloons by Jessie Oliveros, in order to explain the use of figurative language and symbolism. Mrs. Bosch and 4 student-leaders took that learning experience and scaled it up for the large, outdoor learning exhibition held the first Saturday in November at Fairfield Middle School, Fall Fest at Cornerstone Farm.

The Remember Balloons, Symbolism and Fall Fest at Cornerstone Farm represents #Lifeready learning at our school because it connects the bonds between the students and the community that supports them. Symbols are everywhere. By being able to explore this collaboratively and to see it in action with members of their own community, students are creating their own core memories, solidifying their understanding of the standards and the importance of community. Fall Fest at Cornerstone Farm provided our Falcons with the perfect, authentic context to communicate with different audiences in a space (Cornerstone) dedicated to nurturing the community's total well-being. 

What the students like about this experience: 

"The Fall Fest helped me not be afraid to communicate in front of groups of people. It made me more confident in my presentation skills, and it made me better at working my communication skills." 

"I would say my favorite of the Fall Fest was seeing people relive and share their favorite memories "

"#Lifeready means that you are prepared to go through life, be independent, and face all the challenges and still be resilient."

What the teacher likes about this experience: 

"Seeing the students not only nail the SOL of finding symbols, but also engage with the community, was inspiring. That quarter, we were focused on the "why" or the impact. Having students ask their community for their core memories helped them connect the "why" and see what an impact their simple project made. It warmed my heart to hear so many precious stories and see people affected by this project." -Ms. Kate Bosch 

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

The Remember Balloons booth at Fall Fest

Destiny and Mya's Project

Zaniya's Project

Every great project needs a celebration!

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: