
Using Your Voice

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

Content Area - English 8

DLI Standard - Creative Communicator

Learning EXPERIenCE

In this learning experience, students researched a topic of personal interest and created a video essay of their findings. They were effective communicators who used imagery and music to amplify their voice and persuade their audience about an important topic. Students acted as global citizens who care about important topics around the world and are able to conduct meaningful research. Students were able to effectively communicate through multimodal media.

What the students like about this experience: 

"During this project, I really enjoyed exploring different elements such as software editing apps and online databases in order to create one cohesive product. This experience stands out to me because I was able to take my knowledge and interest about a concerning topic a step further and present it to others, which I think is crucial in our modern times."

What the teacher likes about this experience:

I really enjoy this unit for a variety of reasons.  I like that the students can act as global citizens by exploring a topic they feel is important in the world. Then students create something to share their knowledge in a meaningful way. Students see how they can use their voice to spread awareness and persuade others into action on important issues in their communities. 

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS


Hostile Architecture


Global Warming


Human Trafficking and Forced Labor

Air+Pollution (1).mp4

Air Pollution


Depression in Teens

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: