
Soil to Insects

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

Students study red wrigglers, caring for them to create soil.

Learning EXPERIenCE

Students at Ratcliffe have spent the year sharing their learning with each other. This is an example of how grade levels have been making connections through science. Third grade is learning about soil in order to help younger grades know how to grow plants better. Many classrooms are experiencing the life cycles of various insects and wonder if they are good for our courtyard. Third graders are researching to help younger grades know more about the insects growing in their rooms! We are now using what we a have learned to make our courtyard a welcoming environment for those beneficial insects.

What the student(s) like about this experience: 

"I really like to get to plant and feed the animals! Without worms we wouldn't have healthy soil. Without worms we won't have vegetables." - Andrew

"I liked researching butterflies and finding out about them." - Braylon

What the teachers like about this experience: 

"Learning about ladybugs and the effect they have on gardens has been a lot of fun! My 3rd graders have worked hard on their research skills and have enjoyed sharing their discoveries. They are excited to observe the ladybugs in our school garden!" - Mrs. Entin

"The butterfly garden was a great project! The students were involved and enjoyed teaching me about butterflies. I think integrating things like reading and writing (research) with science is a great way to get students to understand how all things are connected. This will also give them practice with looking for good and reliable information, not just anything they see on the internet. The kids are excited to see the butterflies grow and flourish! " - Mr. Eades

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Soil and Worm Gardening

Observing Caterpillar Life Cycles

Butterfly Release

Lady Beetle Exploration

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: