
Coding Around the United States

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

First Grade - Social Studies

DLIS - Empowered Learner

Learning EXPERIenCE

First graders learn about directional words - north, south, east and west. First graders at PES partnered with first grade classes across the US. They shared facts about their school, community, state, and classroom with each participating class. To culminate this class coded using their directional words to “visit” each state. They are able to share what they learned about the states they “visited” as well as apply their map skills. 

What student(s) like about this experience:

“My favorite part was communicating and getting mail from the other classes and learning about the states they were from!” - Hannah

“My favorite part was making the gingerbread men and when we got to open new mail! - Josie

“My favorite part was seeing how everyone sent us a different gingerbread man! The racecar gingerbread man is my favorite one we got!” - Hudson

"My favorite part was putting the stickers on the map and seeing how far away that state was from us!” - Kai

“My favorite part was using the coding mice and using all the buttons to move them around the map.” -Rayhannah

What Mrs. Heckel likes about this experience:

“This project was so fun to watch my students become global citizens by exploring and learning about other states in our country as well as teaching other first grade classes around the U.S. about our own state! My favorite part of the experience had to be watching their faces light up each time we received mail at school, but also how this project opened other opportunities for learning beyond the classroom. I had students bringing in books from home about states to share with the class, sharing stories about trips they had made to those states and what they had seen, and we even had one of the teachers we connected with through this project do a virtual author visit with our class to share a book she published!” - Mrs. Heckel

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Creating our gingerbread men to go in our class letter.

Our letters are ready to mail! 

Mrs. Hardymon visited us to open one of our letters from another state. 

Look at all the mail we got from around the United States!

We hung every letter with the gingerbrad man they sents us.

We've got mail!!!!

We marked on our map with a gingerbread man sticker as we opened our letters.

So many letters to hang!

We loved this project!

We reviewed with Mrs. Hardymon directions before we coded.

We coded to some of the states we learened about.

gingerbead va info for project 2022.pdf

The flyer we mailed to other first grade classes about our school and state.

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: