
Math Study buddy &  Science Digital Learning Collage

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

3rd Grade - Math and Science

DLIS- Creative Thinker

Learning EXPERIenCE

3rd grade students used their creative thinking and communication skills to show how they would solve math problems. Each student chose a math concept that they were the "experts" at and explained their thinking.  The end product for this project would be  a class book that will be used as an end of the year study guide.  Independently the students used what they learned from their math book project to create a science collage that highlights what they have learned in science throughout the year.  They incorporated pictures and voice recordings to showcase their knowledge. 

What the student(s) like about this experience: 

"This is a fun, quick, creative, and easy way to show my learning." - Olivia                                                                              

"Wow, this is cool.  I like all the features you can use to create. I like communicating what I have learned this way."


What the teacher(s) like about this experience:  

I’ve really enjoyed our Book Creator project. My class is always excited to work on it because they get to be creative. They get to pick the pictures they want to use and the ways they solve the math problem. The math review book is amazing! Each student gets to do and explain a problem of a concept that they really understand. This has really helped jump start our math review and has helped spiral review.

                                                                                                                                     -Mrs. Lewis

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Students created their cover for their sciene collage.

Students are learning about the expectations for their project

The student created their first page in their science collage with the teacher and are using their creative thinking skills to complete their other pages. 

This student is using the teacher computer to complete his math study buddy page.

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: