

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

4th Grade - Science

AASL: Inquire and Collaborate

DLI Standard: Innovative Designer 

Learning EXPERIenCE

After researching marine organisms during science, Fourth Graders communicated their new learning by constructing cardboard arcade games. Students completed research collaboratively using various sources during Library and then planned and created interactive cardboard games to teach First Graders about their organism’s adaptations, diet, predators, or ocean zone. First Graders were learning about the characteristics of living things, so the arcade also supported their science unit. Fourth Graders were challenged to think critically and creatively to design and execute a fun, informative, and age-appropriate learning experience for younger students. 

What the student(s) like about this experience: 

"I really liked building our game, 'Hammerhead Takedown,' because we worked together and planned to make it really cool. I liked playing my classmates' games because I learned about the predators and prey of different animals." - Kevin B.

"What I liked most about this project was everyone working together and participating. My partner and I divided up the work and took turns." - Mackenzie A.

What the teacher(s) like about this experience: 

"The Aquatic Arcade was such a fun, hands-on learning experience! It really showed the collaboration and creativity that students used to show their learning! My 1st grade students loved playing the games to learn about unique ocean animals!" - Ms. Hammill

"The Aquatic Arcade was a fantastic project! The kids were collaborating on building their creation and then had the opportunity to be leaders and teach the younger kids! I was so impressed with my students’ communication skills to teach the students about ocean organisms." - Ms. Pinkerton 

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS


Addie and Mackenzie researching sea turtles and constructing "Sea Cafeteria"

Durandt and Mariana are working hard to create "Plankton Plinko"

Welcome to the Aquatic Arcade!

Timia and Peyton playing "Ink the Predator" with a First Grader. Their game taught students about the predators and adaptations of squid. 

"Feed the Octopus"

"Angler Ball"

"Plankton Plinko"

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: