nuckols Farm

Solar Car Engineering Club

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

5th Grade : Science & Math

DLIS: Innovative Designer

Learning EXPERIenCE

After learning about renewable energy, 5th grade students who showed an interest in renewable energy participated in an after school solar car club twice a week. For three weeks, students met with 3rd grade teacher, Ms. McGregor and 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Bishop, to design, build, and test solar-powered cars using solar panels, a motor, and recyclable materials. Throughout their time in this club, VCU  Engineering students volunteered to help while sharing their expertise in aerodynamics and construction of students’ cars. After students tested and finalized the building of their cars, the entire 5th grade attended the club’s “race day” outside. Solar car club participants presented their cars to students and shared how they built them. Students then raced their cars to the finish line in the sunshine to demonstrate their car’s success. 

What the student(s) like about this experience:

What the teacher(s) like about this experience:

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Car Race Invitation.pdf

Students building their cars with recyclable materials

Testing out solar cars in the sunshine

Students designed, tested, and rebuilt cars over the course of three weeks.

Students prepping their cars to race down the track

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: