Welcome to the zoo
Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills
First/Fifth Grade: Science, Reading/ELA
DLIS - Global Collaborator
DLIS - Creative Communicator
Learning EXPERIenCE
If you are life-ready, you are diving deep into researching what you are passionate about. Our students are passionate about animals and hope to persuade the leaders to bring new animals to our local zoo. First graders and their fifth grade reading buddies worked together to research habitats and the benefits of having animals at the zoo for community members. The students communicated with public announcements about why their animals should be at the local zoo. Communication and collaboration are essential life-ready skills for all ages.
What the student(s) like about this experience: (be sure to include content and 6C!)
"I enjoyed researching and reading about penguins. I also enjoyed working as a team to get the BEST details about penguins." - Keegan, fifth grade
" I liked filming the paper. Reaserching my animal the polar bear. I was excited to do my part."-Noah, first grade
I got to work and communicate with first graders. I became a collaborator and communicator with the first graders and other fifth graders. The amazing content we created and I really like it. I wish we could do more projects with them." -Claire, fifth grade
What the teachers like about this experience:
"Our kids grew with curiosity and excitement as they worked together in small groups to research the animal of their choice and its habitat through books, websites, and interviews with experts. They used, science, reading, writing, math, art, technology, and teamwork skills to complete this purposeful activity. I am so proud of all of them!!" - Polly Bosse, First Grade Teacher
"I truly enjoyed seeing the students collaborate on this project. The fifth graders had to test their communication skills to help their first-grade partners research information and speak to them at an appropriate learning level. They had to be global citizens when considering the care their animals would need if placed in the zoo. Most importantly, the way the students worked together so well showed the quality of their character." - Jessica Victoriano, 5th Grade Teacher
Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS
Green Screen Interviews
Creating Habitats
Creatively Communicating
Creatively Communicating
Creating Habitats
Green Screen Interviews
Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible:
Polly Bosse
Jessica Victoriano
Stephanie Anderson