tuckahoe ES

Kids 4 Water

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

5th Grade: Language Arts

DLIS - Creative Communicator

Kids 4 Water

Students created videos about global water issues impacting people around the world using their creativity and communication skills.  They are now using their videos to bring attention to communities who don’t have access to water and offer ways to help. 

"It has been fun to use different resources to share our learning with other people."

"I loved seeing the students take a classroom learning experience and then expand it to impact others. "

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Children and the water crisis Brek

Water Scarcity Awareness by Brek

Ella (2).mp4

Water Problems and Solutions by Ella

Tips to Save Water-Heis.mp4

Water Conservation Tips from Heis

Water problems Quinn.mp4

Water Problems by Quinn

Water Project.mp4

Conserving Water by Ryan

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: