Fabulous Florida

Where's Florida

Florida is in the southeast region in America

You'll Love The Sunny State of Florida

Florida's bird

Florida's state bird is the mocking bird

The flower

Florida's state flower is the orange blossem

The capital

Florida's capital is Tallahese

Fun facts about Florida

Florida population is 22,244,823 (as of 2022).

Florida's Population

Florida has been nick-named "The sunshine state".

The nick name

Walt Disney world is in Florida.

A wonderful place

Florida key's key deer

Florida has a rule which is you are not aloud to harm or bring a key deer out side of the state.

Fred the tree

In the Florida keys  there is a tree on the old 7 mile bridge that became famous because it survived hurricane Irma.


Miami is One of the biggest and prettyeits  cities in Florida.

Untitled presentation

Thank you

If you are reading this you probably looked at my website, thank you for looking at this this took about 2 months (i think) but anyways just have a great day and look at the person right next to me (if you can) <3