
Here are some podcast options: Listen to this one of you want background into Sufism: "The Spirit of Islam" "The Ecstatic Faith of Rumi", This one will help you understand the difference between Islam and Sufism: "Eyes Wide Shut: Rumi and Philosophical Sufism"

This podcast explores how fundamentalism takes hold in religions

Here's a piece from NPR on modern Sufi music

Leslie Hazelton's TED Talk about the Qur'an

Here are some essays worth reading: On Being Blogs

Here's some background into Sufism and here's an introduction to Sufi art

Here is a chart that outlines the 99 names of God in Islam. This is one of the next ways to think about the relationship between Muslims and Allah.

Here's a resource to explore Islamic art and music: Here's the link to the Detroit Museum's collection (link in the other resource does not work).

Here's an introduction to a new collection of Sufi stories that might help you.

Here's a collection of Rumi's poems by a variety of translators. Please make sure to read a range of translators.

Here's a terrific piece about Rumi and his Muslim roots.