
9/22: You can find David Brooks' column here.

9/17: Please listen to this piece about Dignity Therapy please do listen - hearing the voices matter. Use the article to refresh your memory as you write). On the front of the notecard: respond to what you heard - tell me what struck you, surprised you, stayed with you about dignity therapy and about the power of stories. On the back: try to synthesize ideas in this piece with what we've read and talked about with Gilgamesh. Be mindful of the fact that Gilgamesh is a story presumably about someone who once lived, but it is certainly not a biography. TRUTH is what matters here, not truth. How does Gilgamesh fit in with the ideas expressed about death, dying and people's relationship to the stories of their lives? What does the poem have to tell us about the relationship between stories and mortality, etc." Fill both sides of the notecard. If the link doesn't work for you, google NPR Dignity Therapy.

9/13:This weekend, build on the work you did in class today. As you continue to read (through page 70), find a close reading section (about 3 pages) that you think is important in this section. Close read that section. Make your notes on the front of the notecard. On the back: reflect in all the ways we did in class – through character, emerging theme, by making connections, etc. Fill the back of the card.

9/12: In class we worked on close reading sections of Book II. See "Gilgamesh groups…" attachment below.

9/8: Read from 11-24 in Gilgamesh. Complete the blue book work outlined in "Gilgamesh opening bullets…" (just one set of three bullets - page and a half -two pages in your blue book). The reading schedule is: through page 35 for Thursday, finish Book II for Friday, through page 71 for Monday, finish Book III for Tuesday, finish for Wednesday.