Paul and beyond

5/31: I’d like to continue looking at Paul and his letters to the churches he is trying to establish and the work of constructing a theology. Today, please read Romans 4-6 and Ephesians 5-6 (start with the reading in bold, and if there’s time, please move on to the other reading). On the same piece of paper you used for reflecting on the Corinthians reading last week, reflect after each reading: what struck you as interesting or important about what Paul was saying to the people at the church? What sorts of problems did them seem to be having and how do you know that? What was difficult for you about the reading and why? Does what he is telling the people about this religion have its roots in Jesus’ teachings or is he addressing other issues? When you see connections to Jesus, trace them back to the gospel. When you don’t, think about where Paul might be getting his ideas from and why that matters. Hold onto the reflections – I will collect them tomorrow.

Spend the hour working on your portfolios. Be productive.

5/30: We worked on an art piece for the New Testament (see below).

5/24: Please read 1Corinthians 1-4. In class: we went over the portfolio assignment for juniors, and talked about the stoning of Stephen, Peter's crucifixion and Paul's missionary work.