Resources for portfolios

Searchable terms (partial list): star of Bethlehem, blind leading the blind, cast the first stone, walk on water, Good Samaritan, head on a platter, pearls before swine,salt of the earth, Prodigal son, ye of little faith, brood of vipers, light of the world, pearl of great price, salt of the earth, camel through the eye of the needle, eleventh hour, withered fig tree, faith that moves mountains, thirty pieces of silver, betrayed by a kiss, carry the cross, before the cock crows, conversion on the road to Damascus, blinded by the light, scales fall from eyes, man after my own heart.

Here are some links to websites that are a little off the beaten path that might help you round out your portfolios. I have also attached below some art and poetry that you are welcome to use. Print them out and include in the portfolios.

I've attached four poems ("A Mother in A Refugee Camp," "A Better Resurrection," "Gettysburg." and "Mary Magdeline and the Seven Demons"). All contain N.T. allusions.

Here's an article about DIY projects that uses "man after my own heart.

Here's a blog that uses a reference to "scales falling from eyes" and here's a film review/feature interview that does the same.

Here's an article that references Delilah.

Here's a cartoon I found in my morning reading.

Of course, there's Stephan Pastis' comic strip.

Here's a news article about Google's practices in Europe that uses an unfavorable allusion.

Patrick Henry's "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" speech contains an allusion to Judas' kiss.

Here's an article that references LeBron James as a prodigal son.

Margaret Thatcher's "What's Wrong with Politics" speech in the "Independence from the State" section alludes to the Good Samaritan.

Here's an article with a reference to a "Solomon's choice."

Here's a TED talk that uses David and Goliath as its organizing idea.

Here's a Weetabix ad featuring Samson and Delilah.

Here's a nonprofit that takes its name from Ruth's story

Here's the Jezebel blog.

Here's an article about the new baseball rules that makes a reference to philistines.

Ratner Museum

Smithsonian American Folk Art

The Brick Testament (you could use one of these as either art or a reference).

Here is a great site for Ruth and Naomi paintings.

The Jewish Museum, NY (Genesis search)

Here's a comedy routine and here's another

Here's a Joseph reference, here's a google search for Garden of Eden references