Oedipus Rex

11/3: Here's the TED talk (start at around 9:00 and continue through 12:00). The review sheet for the test is attached below ("Oedipus Rex essay test")

10/31: Reflection about the Ode IV performance is due on Monday.

10/27: We are working on performance of Ode IV (criteria below) and on finishing the play for Thursday. See "Finishing Oedipus"

10/20: I'll collect bb on MOnday (I hope to get these on first term - we'll see). Here's what should be in them: Reflection about what an artist is (day 1), revisit what makes an artist (2nd day), Washington Crossing the Deleware, Cave paintings, myth quote reflections, Gilgamesh intro, Gilgamesh close read, Gilgamesh reflection, "Ideas" packet notes, Greek art postcard, The Disappearing Spoon excerpt, Oedipus character and plague, Oedipus word search (light, blindness, sickness, darkness, sight).

10/17: We read through scene 2 (make sure that you read "Ode 2" this weekend). Read the article about free will from Scientific American and respond using the assignment below ("Oedipus+ free will article"). Also, go back over what we've read and look for diction (see "diction" below). If you were out on Friday, please stop by the classroom on Monday to pick up the diction assignment.

10/16: We've read through the Prologue and scene 1. Blue book assignment is attached below ("Starting Oedipus Rex. bb").