Forsyth chapters

11/21: Rhetorical questions

11/20: Diacope

11/5: Pleonasm


10/13: Personification

10/6: A Divignation Concerning Versification

9/19: Polyptoton (same response on card)

9/12: Metonomy + Synecdoche

Forsyth chapters work: We will periodically read chapters from a wonderful book about rhetorical techniques (what they are, how they are used and to what effects. These will increase your understanding of the techniques, of the craft of writing and of Shakespeare’s work in particular. Here’s how we will work with these chapters: After you’ve read, on the front of the notecard: write down four interesting takeaways you had from the reading. These takeaways should align with our purposes for reading: to better understand how Shakespeare worked as a writer and to better understand purpose and usage of a particular literary and/or rhetorical device. Tell me what you are taking away and how/why it informs those purposes (i.e. why it matters!)..

On the back of the notecard: write about how the chapter helps to inform your thinking about the particular device, how is builds on what you already knew, makes you think differently about the device, its effects, etc. THINK too about how it informs your thinking about works you’ve read, about Shakespeare and his mastery, etc. Play with some lines if you want. Fill the back of the notecard. I want YOUR thoughts, not Forsyth’s, and make sure that you demonstrate that you have read the whole packet.. The cards from these chapters will be practice grades.