
Bhagavad Gita test. Materials are below (test review, B-G students responses for good tips, Aswattha tree powerpoint.)/ C Block test is 11/12, B Block 11/13.

Proof paragraphs are due on Friday 11/7: Write your proof paragraph making the argument for the painting* that best represents the view of the divine Krishna gave you in Bhagavad-Gita. Your topic sentence should make the argument (i.e. painting 6 is the best representation of the divine because __________________________). Briefly describe the artwork, then use specific evidence and imagery to back up your argument (make sure to analyze the evidence in terms of the topic sentence). Draft proof paragraphs are due on Friday. * You can use the painting I showed you in class (it is attached below "Krishnarevealed").

Test on Bhagavad Gita next week (C Block on Wednesday, B Block on Thursday). Review sheet is attached below.

R.A. DIckey's interview (for exam)

READING SCHEDULE to finish the Gita: read chapters 13-14 for Thursday and 15-18 for Monday. Test on Wednesday.

11/5: Read "The Field and the Knower" and "The Three Gunas" for Thursday. Make sure that you understand what the field is, what the knower is and how they relate to each other. Know the three gunas, their attributes, what it looks like to function in the guna, etc. I am thinking that the test will be next Wednesday.

11/3: Write your proof paragraph making the argument for the painting* that best represents the view of the divine Krishna gave you in Bhagavad-Gita. Your topic sentence should make the argument (i.e. painting 6 is the best representation of the divine because __________________________). Briefly describe the artwork, then use specific evidence and imagery to back up your argument (make sure to analyze the evidence in terms of the topic sentence). Draft proof paragraphs are due on Friday. * You can use the painting I showed you in class (it is attached below "Krishnarevealed").

10/31: Homework: read pages 85-97 for the next time class meets. In your blue books, list 5-7 images of the divine that you find vivid and at least 2 additional images that you find terrifying (please list the page number). Choose 4 of those images to explore more fully – tell me why you chose the image, what you envision and how that image of the divine deepens your understanding of Krishna, of Hinduism and/or of the Gita.

10/30 Read "The Function of Education" and respond in your blue book.

10/28: C Block's Karma Yoga notes.

10/28: Tonight, read 70-78. THINK about all that you have learned, about Arjuna’s concerns and about his questions. Find one new idea that could guide Arjuna out of his confusion (something that clarifies the goal, the way to the goal, that speaks directly to him, etc.) Share this with me – if it is an image, draw it and write me a caption (with reference to a page number) that explains it. If it is a teaching, write it down (with reference to a page number) and explain it. If it is music in the Gita – well, find a way to play that for me. In any case, show me what you have been learning over the last two days, what you understand about Arjuna’s plight and Krishna’s teachings, etc.

If you did not complete the notecard in class today, please do that as well. Measure your chosen image against what you learned today. Each of you on the notecard, first describe the image, then use teachings from today’s readings to show me the visual’s power to aid/reinforce our understanding.

10/27: Homework tonight: look for a visual (or create your own) that gets to the heart of what you understood from today’s close reading. THINK creatively about how a photograph or a painting might be used to show the concepts of the Gita. You can use the metaphors or the images that you were working with today as a guide (your visual can look like those). Bring in the image tomorrow along with a description of what you think it shows and how that ties to the lessons of the Gita (you can do what I did – find one that seems to be the “anti” teaching and one that seems to be the “pro”).

10/22 C Block: For Friday, read pages 44-49 “The Yoga of Karma.” You should be reading it with the same focus your group had in the “Yoga of Knowledge” (poetic imagery, nature of the divine, obstacles, instructions). In class on Friday, meet together in groups (in the Media Center at tables first). Go over the chapter, answer any questions and clear up any confusions people had about the reading). Put together notes applying your group’s focus to the chapter. Type these notes up in Google Docs and share them with me. Make sure to include quotes and/or strong paraphrasing with page numbers AND explanations about each idea. Over the weekend, finish the reading (through 56) Fill your blue book (two pages) with questions, examples, images, specific questions and ideas (at least 5 with your comments and the page numbers) that link to your topic today and to today’s discussion.

Here's the entire interview with V.V. Raman (we listened from 11:00 - 15:30).

10/20: We started reading the Gita itself today. Assignments are attached below ("Starting the Gita)

10/17: Starting Bhagavad-Gita. Read the introduction and see the written assignment below (B-G intro). No coupons.

10/16: We looked at the Veda art and began to get our feet wet in Hinduism's worldview. See "Hinduism opening blue books" below.