American Lit H

Exam review is on the exam page (link below).

4/23: Staring today, we are working on the "American Identity" page, link below. IF YOU are missing the work with the poems (marked missing in the grade book), see 4/12 on the "Pilgrims, Puritans + Foundation" page, link below.

3/12: Starting today, we are working on the "Pilgrims, Puritans + Foundation" page, link below.

2/2: Starting today, we are working on The Great Gatsby page, attached below.

1/23: Starting today we are working on the "Early Days" page (link below).

Welcome! Please read the syllabus (attached below). Bring any questions you have to class. Then please read the Grading Policies, Classroom rules and Violation of Academic Integrity on the Important Class Materials page. Again, bring any questions to class. Finally, sign the acknowledgement that you've read and understand all class materials and bring to class for a grade.

The film permission slip is on the 2nd page of the syllabus.

Please join the class remind by texting @c3d4b2 to 81010.