Tuesday/Wednesday, August 30/31, 2016

Post date: Aug 30, 2016 2:6:29 PM

(Block Schedule)

Class began with students answering the following questions in their notebooks/loose leaf paper based on the article read yesterday - "What if the Secret to Success is Failure?"

Questions of the Day:

1. According to Randolph (mentioned in paragraph 1), what is missing from education today? Do you agree or disagree with the author? Explain.

2. Explain how the "secret to success" could be failure. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Explain your answer.

Next, the class discussed student responses to these questions.

Students complete the "Grit Test/Scale" that was referenced in the article. Students calculated their "Grit Score." Then, students completed the "Grit Reflection" Worksheet (see attachment below).

Finally, students began to work on "The True Size of Countries" Activity (see attachment below). As stated in the directions, students completed Chart #1 on their own (based on what students currently know.

Period 1: Students then took out their Chromebooks, and went to the website listed (The True Size of Countries). Students used this website to examine the true geographic size of countries and continents. Using this website, students were to then complete Chart #2.

Period 1 Homework:

1. Complete Chart #2 from "The True Size of Countries" Activity (see attachment below) - IF YOU DID NOT FINISH THIS PART IN CLASS

Period 6 Homework:

1. Complete the Grit Reflection Questions - if you did not finish this part in class