Friday, March 10, 2017

Post date: Mar 14, 2017 8:47:55 PM

**** Teach Day ****

Today in class, we focused on Social Development - Module 48.

Students began with a question of the day:

1. Think about all of the relationships that you have in your life (Your family, your friends, teachers, co-workers, etc.) Who are you most attached to and why?

2. Does your answer support or not support the findings of Harry Harlow? Explain.

Next, we discussed student responses to question 1 and 2. Through student responses, we discussed who Harry Harlow was and his experiment on the formation of attachment. We watched this video on Harry Harlow --> Harry Harlow - Monkeys .

Next, we discussed Konrad Lorenz, imprinting, Mary Ainsworth, secure attachment, and insecure attachment. See attached PowerPoint.


- see attached syllabus