Monday, February 29, 2016

Post date: Mar 01, 2016 3:4:6 PM

Next, the class continued our discussion on Emotion (see attached Emotion PowerPoint). Topics included embodied emotion (Mod. 41 - how the body and emotions interact), the physiology of emotion (Mod. 41 - how do different emotions activate different parts of the body), the 10 universal emotions (Mod. 83 - Carroll Izzard), and differences between genders and emotion.


1. Module 44; obj. 16 and 17

2. Test on Thursday: Emotion, Stress, and Health

3. Free Response on Thursday

Today in class, students began by completing the "Review Questions - Mod 42 and 83" Worksheet with a partner. Ms. Pretet checked in all journals that were due up until this point.