Vision about the breakdown of a truck

I saw a truck stationed on the top of a hill had some defects in its engine. The driver did his best to repair it. I then suddenly stepped into the driver’s seat. I wondered as to how I could drive the vehicle as I did not know driving at that time. I noticed a bull attached to the vehicle. When I started driving the vehicle, I could no longer find the bull. As I went on driving, the truck turned into a three wheeler vehicle. I then found it easier to drive on the hill. I drove the truck-cum-three wheeler through a very narrow path and brought it down the hill. Normally, a truck cannot be driven on such a narrow road. After reaching the ground, I saw people following our vehicle and enquiring about Jesus Christ.Interpretation:The truck here is likened to a pastoral or an evangelistic ministry. Whenever the pastor or the evangelist concerned finds some problem with his ministry that affects the growth of his ministry, he should seek the ministry of a prophet. The bull was the cause for the truck not to function. The bull is compared to some doctrinal error that retards the growth of the ministry or some peculiar problem which needs a revelation from God. The prophet helps the servant of God concerned in restoring his ministry to his original vision and calling. The prophet by his ministry helps the servant of God concerned to take his ministry to greater heights. At the end, people were seen enquiring about Jesus Christ. This shows that lost souls will be gravitated to a ministry that is edified by the apostles and prophets in the Body of Christ.

by Job Anbalagan