Dream of an ocean and a hill

The following are the dreams shared with me by a sister from US and my interpretations.


In a dream I am standing on a sidewalk looking out in the ocean. It is very calm and peaceful. Over to my left side I see a large rock the size of a mountain. I see a trail that leads to the top of the mountain. I sense in my spirit I want to and need to climb the mountain. Right behind me is a house on a hill that overlooks the ocean.Interpretation:

I am looking out over the ocean which is calm and peaceful. I am representing the remnant in these last days, who walk through the narrow way, who escape the pollutions of this world and who escape the Antichrist/False Prophet. The ocean represents the nations. The Remnant has to look at the nations with a great burden in their hearts. Though the ocean looks very calm and peaceful on the outside, there is violence and turmoil in all nations, millions have not yet heard the glorious gospel. We should have a vision for catching the multitudes of fishes in the ocean.

There is a mountain with a trail. The mountain represents a spiritual place where the remnant will be kept safe in the Body of Christ. It is a place where the remnant will have fellowship with Christ and His Body. The remnant has to reach this mountain. The place of safety for the remnant is the top of this mountain where they have fellowship with Christ and His Body. There is a trail that leads to the top of this mountain. This trail represents afflictions and sufferings and giving up of worldly pleasures and lusts.


I am now leaning up against the house that was behind me on the hill that overlooks the ocean. I see a man coming up the walkway that leads to the house. He has a brown paper bag in his hands. He is holding it closely to his chest. He walks into the front yard and two young girls are on the right side of me standing near the side of the house. The man walks up to them and pulls a gun out of the brown paper bag and shoots both of these young girls. I see the girls fall to the ground.


The house is the church the Body of Christ. I lean on the Church. The remnant must lean on one another helping and having fellowship with one another (Mt 18:20).

The two young girls are spiritually immature female ministers, especially pastors and teachers. The remnant must watch over these two young girls and should minister to the latter with all the long suffering being gentle and apt to teach with patience (2 Timothy 2:24).

These young girls may be devoured by the Antichrist/False Prophet and his agents (the ministers deceived by the former). The remnant in the Body of Christ should rise up and protect these pastors and teachers by ministering to the latter. The remnant must protect these pastors and teachers so they do not fall prey to the deception of lying prophets and false teachers (Matthew 7:15).

The man with the gun is an agent of the Antichrist/False Prophet. He carries a concealed weapon in his hands that is deadly. This concealed weapon is the plethora of false doctrines culled out of the bible, just to spiritually kill the budding apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Matthew 24:24). The brown paper bag represents the ministry or the church that allows such pernicious doctrines to be preached. It is a paper bag only and not a leather bag. The remnant can easily tear off this paper bag and expose the gun being used by the Antichrist.


There is a big tree in the center of this front yard. I look and see a young man standing next to the tree. The man with the gun approaches this young man and shoots him too and the young man falls to the ground. The man with the gun now looks at me, sees me, points the gun at me and shoots two shots. The bullets did not penetrate my skin. I only felt pressure but knew I was not going to die. The man then walks closer to me now and two other men are seen with him. They are all examining me to see if I am bleeding and I am not. One of the men grabs my arm to check my pulse but I have a watch on and this watch monitors my vital signs. It shows that I am alive and not dead. They are shocked to see this watch on my wrist that shows I am alive and breathing.


There is a big tree. A tree offers shade for rest but no protection from the "grievous wolves" (Acts 20:29).The tree is compared to a deliverance ministry. A deliverance ministry that performed through signs and wonders cannot deliver the people of God from the weapon of the Antichrist/False Prophet.

The young man represents the spiritually immature male ministers i.e apostles, prophets, and evangelist. Many of them are killed spiritually through the weapon of false doctrines that the false prophets use against them with the result that they fall down in their spiritual lives and become spiritually blind. After their downfall, they also lead their sheep who will also fall into the ditch (Matthew 15:14).

The man now points the gun at me and shoots at me but he cannot kill me because no weapon that is formed against the people of God who abide in Christ Jesus and who have fellowship with one another in the Body of Christ, the Church founded on the apostles and prophets Christ being the Chief Corner Stone.

The two men that accompany the man with the gun are his evil accomplices. The two men represent two kinds of male ministers deceived by the Antichrist/ False Prophet. They are prophets and evangelists who have been deceived by the devil. These days, we find many prophetic ministers being deceived in the prophetic. We also find many evangelist being corrupted through the false doctrines concerning material prosperity and through popularity.

Why the apostles are not revealed in this dream? The apostles are those ministers who are not known to the outside world because they serve God in those places which are not reached by the glorious gospel. We cannot reach them through our modern communication. They bear the marks of apostleship on their bodies. We hardly hear their sermons from the established churches. We hardly see them on the modern evangelical dais. The true apostles are not easily deceived by the Antichrist/False Prophet.

They now examine me and they are in shock that I did not die nor did I have bullet wounds .I only felt pressure. I represent that escapes the Antichrist/ False Prophet. They find that I am very much alive. The devil cannot annihilate the remnant who abides in Christ Jesus, having fellowship with one another, and being ministered by the apostles and prophets.

The wrist watch on my hand symbolizes the prophetic anointment on the remnant that puts fear into the hearts of these ministers deceived by the Antichrist. It is the prophetic anointment that shows that the remnant are still alive in Christ Jesus and that no weapon that is formed against them will prosper.


There were a total of five bullets shot.


These five shots were aimed at the five types of New Testament ministers. Though the Antichrist attempts to preach that there are no such five types of New Testament ministries, the remnant reveal these ministries to the people. The attack of the Antichrist against the truth concerning these New Testament ministries is in vain.

by Job Anbalagan