Vision about a dead Christian in India

A dear sister saw the following dream. The dream and its interpretation are given below: "This Monday (on 25th April 2005) I had a dream/vision. It was quite strange and different and I had no rest in my spirit after seeing this dream. Dream: I saw a dead person who was laid straight on a table and he had long rod (like an iron rod) pierced straight into his body. The person was well attired. It appeared to me that this man was not a good person at all. Seeing this dead person with that an iron rod pierced in him, I went frantically in search of someone and was repeatedly saying, "a holy person on behalf of this man should be needed for a revival". I repeatedly mentioned the words many times with anxiety and despair, "we need to find a holy person, a holy one." I was repeatedly saying the words "holy one" many times and was very restless.


This dead person is symbolical of the "dead Christian" in India. He was a man who was supposed to evangelize the whole nation aggressively. He was a man supposed to trample under foot the snakes and the scorpions. He was a man supposed to reach the places which were not yet reached by the gospel. By appearance, this dead man appears to be "well attired" but is truly dead. He is laying dead on a table to be seen by the whole world. Jesus sent His one of the disciples, Thomas, to India who died as a martyr on a mount called "St.Thomas Mount", in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Thomas died as a martyr. But this man died not as a martyr but due to "sins and iniquities". The righteous Judge judged him. While executing His judgment on him, He allowed the Devil to thrust his spear into his body. The Devil trapped him in his snare and killed him.

Through her prophetic eyes, this sister saw the whole Christian community of India as one man. It was a wonderful revelation. It is good that the whole Christian community died as one man, though there are many divisions amongst the Christian community in India.

Through her prophetic eyes, this sister realized that this man was not a good person, though he was well attired. This means that the dead Christian in India was not good in the sight of God. He had an outward appearance of goodness by virtue of his attire but was truly dead inside. He had a name that he lived but was truly dead (Rev.3:1). No doubt, he preached the gospel and won many souls; performed wonders in Jesus' Name. He was well attired in the sight of the world but in the sight of God he was dead because he did not do the perfect will of God.

Some months ago, a dear pastor who had a very big church in Tamil Nadu came to Delhi for "ministry" in the North India. While giving his message in the city of Delhi, he exhorted his audience to give their "tithes" only to the pastors of their local churches who would, in turn, donate a part of such tithes, to the missionary work. He exhorted the people of God to make a vow before the living God for promoting one particular breed of His servants. According to this dear servant of God, the ministers of God mean only "the pastors of the local churches". This dear pastor still ministers as a Levite under the Old Covenant. What about the five types of New Testament ministers in the Body of Christ who serve God in His vineyard on various mission fields, and in various places, abiding in their respective calls of God? According to this false doctrine preached by this dear pastor, the people of God are not supposed to financially support the apostles, prophets and evangelists directly. He wants the apostles and prophets who form the foundation of the Church, the universal Body of Christ, to look to these pastors for their living. This dear pastor is a prophetic sign for the pastors in India.

Evangelists in India are doing wonderful ministries in the Name of Jesus Christ but under the Old Covenant as Levites. They promote their own ministries but do not develop their co-workers in their evangelical ministries. They treat their co-workers as "subordinates". They go abroad advertising their "God-given projects". Christ Jesus does not give us "projects" because He has already given us the great commission to preach the gospel to every creature. They advertise for "funds" for these projects in every means of modern communication. When God had given them enough material blessings, they forgot "the poor saints" who served God in penury in towns and villages; they failed to see the poor Lazarus who picked up the "crumbs" that fell from their tables. In fact, there are many "poor ministers" in India who thrive on such "crumbs" that fall from the tables of popular ministers of God. Some months ago, I visited some young servants of God in a mission field of Tamil Nadu. They still serve the Lord in villages and towns with the "crumbs". In India, there are hundreds of true ministers of the gospel who receive "crumbs" from the people of God who prefer to give most part of their offerings to the popular evangelists and pastors and only a small part of their offerings to such "poor saints".

During 1992, some servants of God in the state of Tamil Nadu (where the apostle Thomas died as a martyr) started glorifying their individual ministries and boasted that God had sent a revival through their ministries. It was mentioned in one of their magazines that God had used them "mightily" in bringing about a revival. On reading this, I sent a message of warning to them, drawing their attention to 2 Cor.10:15-18:

"Not boasting of things without our measure, ......But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth".

This sister looked for a holy person repeatedly to revive the dead Christian in India. Who is this "holy person" to revive the dead Christian in India? It is not a "holy church" or a "holy evangelical ministry". It is a holy person. This holy person includes a holy woman also. Individuals with a vision of revival and with a vision for lost souls are needed by God for reviving 'the dead Christian'. The dictionary meaning of "person" is - a living soul or self-conscious being.

God sends a revival to the land of India not through any particular church or through any particular evangelist. It is a "holy person" who is not popular. This sister did not see the name of any particular pastor or any particular evangelist. She looked for only "a holy person". John the Baptist who was the forerunner of Christ was a holy person. He was an individual who stood against the apostasy. God is these days looking for an individual like John the Baptist who is in the wilderness and who denounces sin in high places to revive the dead Christian in India. He need not be an orator or one entrusted with "anointing of the Spirit" devoid of the holiness of God. But he/she should be "holy" so as to expose and denounce the sins and iniquities amongst the people of God. Only a holy and humble person gets the true anointing of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

"A holy person" does not literally mean one single individual for reviving the dead Christian. "A holy person" is a prophetic word. Whosoever receives this prophetic word, he or she will be an instrument in the Hands of God for reviving the dead Christian. It can be a body of 2 persons, 10 persons, 50 persons or so on.

The heart-cry of the true servants of God should be for the revival of the dead Christian. This sister who saw this dream is a prophetic sign for the true servants of God in India who perceive the Body of Christ in every town and village of India.

by Job Anbalagan