
A wonderful testimony of Joseph Victor

by Joseph Victor from India

This is a testimony that I am sharing with all of you especially for those who do not believe in God. All of what you would read below has been known only to our families till now. It’s ironical that I am sharing this with you today, the 28th of Sept 09, when exactly a year has passed. You'll understand what I am referring to when I mean "a year has passed" once you finish reading my testimony. I have been consolidating all our experiences for the last 2 months but strangely haven’t had the chance to complete it and put it on the website all this while. Surprisingly and unplanned, I have completed it today exactly after a year. I want to tell you about the wonderful things God and his son Jesus have done for my wife and me and the experiences we’ve had all these years. I sympathise with those who are atheists or haven’t experienced God in their lives as yet and sincerely hope this testimony would instil some confidence in them towards God - Joseph Victor

I was born in a Roman Catholic family, though my faith was limited to going to church every Sunday, knowing about Jesus and all the prayers I was taught. As you would agree, it isn’t easy to have absolute faith in a religion just by being baptized in the first few weeks of your life and then told to follow that religion throughout one’s life. It is a fact that we all seek proofs and miracles to increase and strengthen our faith. I wouldn’t say that I was an atheist but I cannot confidently say I was an absolute believer. One day I would have complete faith, the other day I wouldn’t.

In this testimony, I would be sharing with you our traumatic past and how beautifully we were rescued by God and Jesus.

Note: Wherever I give the reference of “God”, assume it includes “Jesus”. The same is vice versa.

February 2004

Neha and I got married in the year 2000. She was a Non-Christian. We respected each others religion and participated in each others religious obligations, festivals etc. However, honestly speaking, she had more faith in my religion than I had in my own religion. Neha happened to hear about the renowned Charismatic Healer “Benny Hinn” through “GOD” TV channel. I as always was never really into all of this. Neha has a younger brother who is hearing impaired since childhood. As a result of his hearing impairment his speech is also affected. Neha got to know about Benny Hinn’s planned visit to Mumbai to conduct a healing program for 3 days in Feb 2004. She wanted to take her brother to this program in the hope of healing him of his impairment. As usual, I wasn’t interested in experiencing this and decided to drop out. She was accompanied by her parents, her brother, my mother and sister. This is what she shared with me about her experience at Benny Hinn in those 3 days.

Neha and family reached the venue early in the morning. The program was being held in an open ground. They were seated quite far from the stage and could only see small human figures of Benny Hinn among others on stage. There were giant screens put up to enable people to view what was happening on stage. There were people by the thousands who had come – rich, poor, Christians and non-Christians, people who knew Jesus, people who did not know much about Jesus but had came in the hope of being healed. The program began where Benny Hinn addressed the audience. During his prayers he spoke about Jesus’ presence on the ground. That Jesus was walking past the people and that some of these people might feel his presence. Benny Hinn stated that one did not have to be near the stage to experience Jesus. Jesus could see even the last person at the end of the ground. During the prayer meetings a lot of people experienced Jesus and were healed of various diseases. These people were led to the stage to bear testimony of the healing. Some of these were extremely poor people. Some were Non-Christians who did not know much about Jesus yet had been healed. Neha said that she and our family members were amazed and felt fortunate to experience all this. As the day progressed, Neha had started to get this weird feeling in her. She told this to her mother, who said that it might be because of the long day they had spent sitting under the sun. By the end of the first day’s program Neha had started to feel much better. Unfortunately, Neha’s brother for whom they had come to Benny Hinn did not get healed. The long day’s program was quite tiring and they headed back to the hotel where they were staying.

Neha and the rest were back on the ground early in the morning on the second day. As the day progressed, there were more people who got healed. Suddenly Neha started to get the same strange feeling she had experienced the day before. This time it was stronger. Before she realised, she collapsed on the floor. As she lay unconscious, she saw this bright white light and from it a figure with a beard and long hair emerging. It was Jesus! She saw him smiling at her and he reached out his hands to hold her face. She could feel his hands on her cheeks. The feeling was extraordinary. She mentioned that there was so much of love, deep connection and interaction with Jesus which could not be explained…The rest of the family had surrounded her and tried to revive her. There are other people who joined in and started praying over her. The family tried to pick her up to take her towards the stage, but she had become extremely heavy! They could not lift her. Neha continued to experience Jesus for 15 minutes, after which she regained consciousness. She narrated her experience to the family who were all surprised hearing it and in turn tell her what had happened to her. Neha was so happy and felt fortunate to be among the select few to experience Jesus from the multitude of people who had come there.

That very evening, Neha excitedly called me up to share what she had experienced. I was astonished but extremely happy hearing it, since it was very unexpected. I was also very proud of her since she was the first in my family to experience such a thing and also because she wasn’t even a Christian. Well…I guess Jesus decides who deserves to experience him. For him, it doesn’t matter what religion you belong to, he decides who he wants to touch. For him we all are the same. One thing was certain, this experience had moved me few steps closer to God and Jesus.

The third day at Benny Hinn went off fine. Neha did not experience anything like she did on the 2nd day. Lot more people were healed however Neha’s brother did not get healed. I guess it also depends on your faith in Jesus.

Once Neha was back from Mumbai, we spent days discussing this at length. She wouldn’t stop sharing this experience with all in the family as this was something none of us had ever experienced in our entire life.

March 2004

It was around 11 AM, I was in office working when I get a call from Neha who was at home. She tells me that the bed on which we slept the night before had ashes on it. She says that the bed sheet has huge burn holes in it. She could not explain how it had happened. I was shocked. I hadn’t noticed anything in the morning when I got up from bed. She said that after I left for work, while she was making the bed she noticed the ashes and the burn holes in the bed sheet. I asked if there was any other damage. She said that the bed sheet and the mattress had burn holes. The first thought that came to my mind was that she might have ironed clothes on the bed or used matchsticks near the bed. She denied. I also asked if it was due to an electrical short circuit. She said that there wasn’t any electrical circuit or appliance anywhere near by. I was puzzled and extremely eager to get back home to see it for myself.

I reached home in the evening and headed straight to our bedroom. As Neha had mentioned, not only did the bed sheet have large burn holes, the mattress cloth had also got burnt, exposing the coir inside. The burn marks were on the side of the bed where I had slept, however there were no burn marks on the other side where Neha had slept. I noticed that the holes had been made on the bed sheet that was right below my pillow. However, strangely there was not a single burn mark on the pillow. I looked for probable causes of these burn marks around the bed, but could not find anything. Neha reiterated that she noticed these burn marks early morning as she made the bed after waking up. That meant that these could have only happened at night while we slept. That thought made me shudder. I started to imagine what it could have been…. a strong ray of supernatural light falling on my head as I slept, going down right through the pillow to the bed sheet and the mattress below. I knew it had to be something divine as Neha had already experienced Jesus last month. Last month!? Suddenly I realised that exactly one month had passed since Neha’s experience at Benny Hinn. Was this incident a message for me, since I had not gone to Benny Hinn to experience Jesus. Though, there was this nagging thought whether it could have been something evil, however the fact that I wasn’t harmed proved otherwise. I always wore a Cross around my neck so there was no way something evil could have come anywhere close to me, let alone burning the bed. Also, if it had been something evil I would have been harmed. Imagine a bolt of strong supernatural rays passing through your head, through the pillow and punching burn holes on the bed sheet and on the cover of the mattress below. Amazing! That evening we decided to sleep in the other bedroom to see if the same thing would happen again. As a precaution, we both kept rosaries below our pillows. I had decided to stay awake all night to see what it could be. I tried to keep awake, but soon dozed off. I woke up suddenly to find it was early morning. I hurriedly looked under my pillow. To my surprise, I find similar burn holes on the bed sheet below, though smaller in size and less intense. The mattress below had also got burnt. However the pillow remained intact. I woke Neha up and showed the burn marks. I was now starting to wonder about the intent since it only happened to me. Was it some kind of message for me from the Lord, telling me to take note of his existence and not ignore him? Remember, I had dropped off going to Benny Hinn last month. The following nights passed off without the same incident occurring again.

Year 2005

In 2005 we decided to start a family. The year went by without Neha conceiving. The gynaecologist we were consulting told us that all the medical reports were perfectly fine and there nothing that was preventing conception. We weren’t able to figure what to do, since there wasn’t anything wrong that needed to be treated through medication.

One day Neha’s mother calls up and tells her that the postman has delivered a book called “VACHANOTSAVAM” by mistake at their place. She just opens a page and what she saw on that page was unbelievable: The statement said “Showers of BLESSING” God had blessed a couple with a baby boy after 4 years of marriage”. This raised a ray of hope in her mother’s mind and she informs Neha to visit the ashram in Potta. But Neha did not pay much attention to it.

Year 2006

We decide to change our gynaecologist and again go through the process of various medical tests and medications prescribed. The reports as usual were normal, yet no results. Neha had started to become extremely anxious and worried.

Year 2007

We finally get to a doubt that Neha might be pregnant, though we do not visit the Gynaecologist in the first few weeks. During that same time, one night Neha sees a strange dream which I cannot share. Nevertheless, I keep forcing her to get an ultrasound done and visit the gynaecologist, but she keeps stalling and a month goes by. Finally she agrees to go for a check-up. The news isn’t good. Neha was pregnant, but the baby’s heartbeat had stopped a few days back. We are shattered hearing the news. The doctor tells us the exact date when the baby heartbeat stopped based on the growth of the baby, which strangely was the same day when Neha had seen that dream. Though, we shrug it off as a coincidence. Our gynaecologist tells us that we had delayed in meeting her. If we had met her in time, she would have got an ultrasound done and put Neha on appropriate medication to support the pregnancy.

In April, Neha and I planned a trip to Kerala for a vacation along with her parents and brother. We thought this would help Neha overcome the loss of the baby and divert her mind. It was my first visit to Kerala and I was extremely excited to go there. Each day we would visit Neha’s relatives and family friends. One of the days as we all go out together, Neha and her mother go separately to meet someone. While I, Neha’s dad and brother went over to another relative’s house nearby. Once Neha and her mother finish with their meeting, we join them midway. It’s then that Neha’s mother reveals to me that they had met these 2 ladies who have the extraordinary grace of speaking to Jesus. She tells me that these ladies want to meet me along with Neha again. I agree and follow them back to an old wooden house. We are introduced to 2 middle aged ladies. Neha and I are then led into a small room by these 2 ladies. They close the door and the windows with only a little sunlight passing into the room. We are told to sit on the floor and close our eyes. These ladies start to chant prayers in Malayalam, their voices change and increase in volume. I was a little spooked since this was my first experience. They pray for around 15 minutes. After completing their prayer they speak to Neha in Malayalam explaining what they got to know. Neha interpreted it in English for me. They mention that there wasn’t anything wrong medically that was preventing pregnancy. They had a revelation, where they saw something that was terminating the pregnancy, which strikingly matched with the dream Neha had seen during her pregnancy. Interestingly, Neha had not mentioned about this dream to them. The pieces of the jigsaw suddenly start to fall in place as it gets certain that there was something beyond human imagination that was terminating the pregnancy. As per them, it was serious but not something that could not be countered with. One of their directions was to that we had to read certain passages from the Bible daily every night. These were Psalm 91 – God Our Protector, Psalm 23 –The Lord Our Shepherd and Psalm 18 – David’s Song Of Victory, Considering they had so selflessly prayed for us and since they were extremely poor, we offered them some money. However, they refused to take it. They mentioned that they pray for all the sick and needy but do not charge anything for it. We were touched by their dedication towards helping others. Once we were back in Delhi, we started to pray every night after supper. I still remember on occasions while praying, how both of us would break down crying, begging God and Jesus to protect and shield us, and to grant us a child.

Jan 2008

Neha gets pregnant again in January 2008, which is confirmed in the Ultrasound. As you can imagine, we are extremely happy. We meet our gynaecologist in time, who puts Neha on the required medication to support the pregnancy. Neha had started to get nauseous, which was a good sign of a healthy pregnancy. We are hopeful that this time all will go well since we had taken all the necessary precautions from the medical aspects. One of those nights, I see a dream where someone threatens me that Neha’s pregnancy will be terminated. I can see myself in the dream, but I am helplessly listening to the threat. The dream is quite similar to the dream Neha had last time and connected to what those ladies in Kerala had seen while they had prayed over us. I had never seen such dreams ever in my life. I still do not take it seriously. We continue to pray daily the verses from the bible as told by those 2 ladies. During the fifth week of Neha’s pregnancy, Neha had suddenly stopped feeling nauseous. It was also time to get an ultrasound done to check on the baby’s development, especially the heartbeat. The ultrasound showed that the baby had developed as per the weeks that had passed and the final test was to check on the baby’s heartbeat. The doctor searches for the heartbeat of the baby and spends a while trying to detect it. Finally, he states that the baby did not have a heartbeat. We are shattered hearing the same news yet again. Neha has a break down and the next few weeks are extremely traumatic for Neha and me. We loose all hope of having a baby. We had also stopped praying the passages from the bible as we did earlier. I start pondering on the idea of adopting an orphan baby. However, Neha remains persistent in her desire to have our own child.

July 2008

Neha’s faith in Jesus continues to increase and she decides to adopt Christianity as her religion. For those of you who are unaware, in order to be baptized in Christianity, adults need to attend Catechism classes. These classes are conducted by a priest, where people either individually or in a class are taught the principles of Christianity. Through these classes, the priest not only educates, but also gauges the individuals on their real desire and preparedness to adopt Christianity. Neha starts attending Catechism classes every Sunday by Father Anthony. I accompany her for the classes and refresh the basics of Christianity, which I had learnt way back in School. I find these classes extremely enlightening and interesting. Within the first few classes, Father Anthony is convinced about Neha’s desire to becoming a catholic and is happy with her knowledge of Christianity, Jesus and the prayers. We hope her baptism would happen soon.

Neha hasn’t been seeing those dreams, though I again see yet another bad dream which is connected to all the other dreams we’ve been seeing.

Neha’s parents who live in Pune one day have a visitor at their home. He is someone who they never expected would ever visit them. During one of the conversations, they speak about Neha’s miscarriages in the last 3 years. He mentions about Pota Ashram in Kerala, where he has witnessed many healings and recommends that Neha is taken there. Since it would be long trip to Kerala, he mentions about another place called Divine Ashram in Faridabad which would be convenient for us. Neha’s parents call to share this information with us. This time Neha considers this suggestion seriously. Now looking back, what can I say about this person? A messenger sent by Jesus to show us the way! Imagine you are visited by someone who you would never expect would ever visit your house and who gives you this vital piece of information. Read further and you will understand what I mean.

Meanwhile, we get to hear that Father Anthony who had been teaching catechism to Neha has got transfer orders to another church. We get worried hearing this news, since we were hoping Neha would get baptized by him soon. Father Anthony assures us that he would share all the necessary information and the progress with the incoming priest, so that the continuity of the class remains. However, we are sceptical, since Neha would again have to build up the confidence with the new priest. We meet the new priest, Father Arokia Das and find him to be very jolly and nice to talk to. Father Anthony had given Father Arokia a download regarding Neha’s catechism classes. We begin the remainder of the catechism classes with him. Within the first few classes, Father Das is impressed as well with Neha’s desire to follow Christianity.

Neha makes up her mind to visit Divine Ashram in Faridabad. She gets the contact details of the Ashram and calls them to know the dates for the next healing program. The dates were 26 – 28th Sept 2008. She goes ahead and calls them to register our names for this program. However, there was a problem. 26th Sept was a Friday and I needed to be in office whole of that week due to a client visit. I knew it for certain that I could not take a leave on 26th. I tell her that we would need to cancel this visit and plan some other time. She gets annoyed and stubbornly states that she will not cancel. I try to reason with her and tell her that I cannot miss office on 26th. So I suggest to her that I would drop her there and she could attend the 3 days, since anyways it won’t make any sense for me to attend if I miss the first day of the program on 26th. She gets even more furious and resolute that I have to accompany her. I was taken aback with her strange behaviour, since it is very rare to see her so angry and behave so stubborn. She finally understands my official commitment and suggests that I be there for the remaining 2 days with her. I reluctantly agree. She too had her own set of problems at office as she was not being granted leave. She had to fight her way with her boss to take leave to be with Jesus. Now when I look back, it would have been a blunder if I hadn’t agreed to attend. But I also know it is he who chooses the time. There is nothing that can stop when he decides on something. Not even Satan! Though, Satan tried hard his tricks to prevent me from going to the Ashram. Bringing obstacles in my path and instigating negative thoughts in me. You’ll know why I say this, when you finish reading all that follows.

I planned to drive Neha down to the Ashram on 26th Sept, a Friday, early morning and then head to office from there. And then after finishing my work with my client, I planned to head back to the Ashram in the evening to spend the remaining 2 days there. I did not know the way to the Ashram and Neha just happened to speak about this planned visit, in her office. One of her office colleague’s who hardly knows her or interacts with her happens to overhear her speak about the planned trip to the Ashram and surprisingly offers his assistance to help reach that place. He mentions that his brother in law is staying near the Ashram and would be able to lead us to the Ashram from a meeting point. Another messenger sent by Jesus!

It’s 26th Sept, we leave early in the morning for the Ashram. Before leaving, Neha calls up that person who is to meet us at a common meeting point and tell him about the time we would reach and our vehicle number for identification. We reach the meeting point and wait. Within 10 minutes, we see a person on a motorcycle heading towards us. He stops, looks at us and gives us a signal to follow him. He turns his bike around and we follow him. He leads us through narrow lanes, dirt tracks and after various turns we finally reach the Ashram. We get out of the car to thank this person who we did not know, but who came all the way to lead us to the Ashram. Yet another messenger sent by God! Isn’t it strange when a person who hardly knows you offers you assistance by referring his acquaintance to help you? That person in Neha’s office, who offered help, hardly knew Neha. And what was the need for the person on the bike, to wake up so early in the morning, come all the way on his bike to show us the way to the Ashram?

As we walk into the Ashram, I am wondering about how I would find my way back out to reach office, since we had gone through so many turns. And how would I find my way back to the Ashram from office in the evening. We go into the Ashram and meet the head of the Ashram, Father Mathew. Neha requests Father for permission for me to miss the first day but attend the remaining 2 days. I tell him that I would be able to make it to the Ashram in the evening by around 5 pm and stay on for the remaining 2 days. I almost get the feeling that he would deny, however he agrees. Now when I think back, I think he waited a few seconds…checking with Jesus whether he should accommodate our request. Jesus had allowed. We wait at the reception for the admission formalities to be completed. There is another aged couple who are there with their driver. The elderly man had overheard us speaking to the Father and he approaches me. He asks whether I would be passing through Delhi. I give him an affirmative. He requests if I could drop their driver at any convenient spot on the way to Delhi. I agree. I accompany Neha to her room and bid her goodbye. I take the driver along with me. He tells me that he has come to the Ashram a couple of times with his employer. He navigates me through a much simpler route than the route we took on the way to the Ashram. It certainly was a simple route. I was confident that I would be able to find my way back in the evening to the Ashram through this route. Jesus you are amazing! Sending another messenger to help me find my way back to the Ashram. I reach office for the meeting with my client. We are able to finish our work by 3:30 pm and I leave office at 4 pm for the Ashram. I take the route that the driver had taken me through in the morning and as expected I comfortably reach the Ashram at 5 pm, without once loosing my way or taking a wrong turn. Neha is surprised to see me on time. I freshen up and we both head for the evening prayer session.

The prayer session is led by Father Mathew who shares his experiences of the divine. He has the grace to speak to Jesus. I still remember his comment that whoever had come to the Ashram for those 3 days were special and chosen by Jesus to attend. Jesus had made way for all at the meeting to escape our daily routines to be with him. How true was that statement! The person who visited Neha’s parents house and recommended Divine Ashram, the colleague in office who offered help to Neha, the man on the bike who led us to the Ashram and the driver who navigated me through a simpler route. Father Mathew also said that all who were present had managed to escape Satan’s evil plans of stopping them from attending. Father Mathew’s talk was followed by another speaker Sister Hazel who also received the grace to speak to Jesus. She shares her experience of how Jesus cured her of stomach cancer. She shared about how she had lost her husband and how she had to manage her family singlehandedly. One day she heard Jesus speaking to her and telling her that she was healed. And indeed she had been healed. Since that day she has been serving Jesus and going all over the world spreading his message. The experiences shared by speakers were interspersed with hymns, passages read out from the bible. The session finally ended around 10 pm. We headed to our rooms to sleep.

The next 2 days are also spent listening to Father Mathew, Sister Hazel and other speakers sharing their experiences, praying, singing hymns and reading the bible. In the late evenings, Father Mathew has personal meetings with attendees who want to share their problems with him and seek his blessings, prayers and advice. We too decide to meet him. Neha shares our experiences with him. He immediately says that there were certain objects in our house that had to be removed. We were amazed by his spiritual powers. He said that everything will be fine moving forward.

Each of the two days, a lot of people from the audience were healed from various diseases. On the last day before leaving we wait in queue to meet Sister Hazel in her room. We had already met her briefly once after one of her speeches. Neha shares our experiences and history with her and she immediately knows what the problem was. She mentions that something had tied up Neha’s womb and not letting her pregnancy reach completion. She prays over her. Sister Hazel tells me to be prepared to hold Neha. I could not understand what she meant. She then takes a glass and pours some water into it from a jug. She raises the glass up and asks Jesus to pour a drop of his healing blood into the glass. She offers it to Neha to drink. As soon as Neha finishes drinking the water, she looses consciousness and starts to collapse on the floor. Sister Hazel and I catch her and help her lie down on the floor. I was stunned since I had never seen anything like this at such close quarters. Neha stayed unconscious for a few minutes while Sister Hazel explains that certain powers were controlling Neha and not letting her bear a child. Neha soon regains but doesn’t remember what happened to her. Sister Hazel tells us that she has seen in her vision Neha holding a baby. She confidently states that Neha would bear a child soon. She asks us to pray daily late at night since that’s the time when prayers are most effective. Finally she asks us to take some holy water and blessed salt from one of the priests and put it all corners of our house before Neha enters inside.

We leave the Ashram and reach home late at night. Before Neha enters the house, I enter and put the holy water and salt in all the rooms. I also remove the objects that Father Mathew had asked us to remove and place them outside the house on the stairway. Neha finally enters the house. We eat the dinner we had purchased on the way and crash in bed.

September 29th 2008

I am back home from work and we eat our supper. It’s late at night and we both sit on the bed facing the photograph of Jesus on the cross and start to pray. As we pray, something happens to me………………………………………… I cannot share what happened to me, however I can tell you it was the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life. The thought finally sunk in me, that every experience we’ve had before that day had been planned by Jesus, with this day as the culmination point. Everything, including Neha’s trip to Benny Hinn, the burn marks under my bed, the messengers who showed us the way, Neha’s persistence to go to Divine Ashram… all of it! This day is the most important day of my life! It has changed my life ever since and I am no longer the same. That night one thing got confirmed - Neha would bear a child soon!

November 2008

We get a medical confirmation that Neha is pregnant again. We are thrilled yet extremely nervous. My mother refers us to another gynaecologist who was the 4th one for us. Both Neha and I had stopped seeing any bad dreams ever since our visit to Divine Ashram. Though Neha continues have negative thoughts of another miscarriage, after all that we had experienced till date.

December 2008

Neha gets a call from the Father Arokia Das. He informs Neha that she is now ready to be accepted in the Catholic community. We are surprised since we hadn’t expected this would happen so soon. Well, Jesus decides when the time is right, isn’t it? Jesus had blessed Neha with a baby and both needed complete protection. And what better protection would there be than Neha getting baptized with the baby in her womb. Neha gets baptized on 28th December. I know this time round, there is nothing, absolutely nothing that can terminate this pregnancy!

As always in the 5th week of Neha’s pregnancy, we make the most important visit to the Ultrasound to detect the heartbeat of the baby. Neha is extremely anxious and worried, hoping that she does not get to hear the same news again. However, I am confident that everything would be OK. The doctor starts to check for the baby’s heartbeat and takes his time. Every minute of it seemed like an hour for us. We wait with our held breaths as the doctor keeps working on his ultrasound apparatus. Finally he makes us hear the rhythmic thumping sounds of a heart! It sounded like music to my ears! We are overjoyed hearing it! The sounds we had been dying to hear for the past so many years. Jesus had protected our baby. You can imagine how delighted we were. We thanked the doctor and bought sweets on our way back home for my parents. We called up Neha’s parents in Pune to give them this good news. That night we prayed and thanked Jesus for protecting us and the baby. Neha felt so much more confident after that day. Moving forward all the remaining trips to the Ultrasound had positive results. The baby’s growth and development was more than satisfactory. There wasn’t even the minutest problem or complication we faced during the entire course of the pregnancy. We knew there was nothing stopping this baby from being born this time. This baby was in Jesus’ strong protection!

Neha did not see any bad dreams during the entire course of her pregnancy. I did see two bad dreams again on the same lines as what we saw earlier. However, in my dreams I could see myself strong and fighting back what had threatened me earlier on. The thing that threatened me was weak and defeated. It felt good seeing what I did to it!

Well, to finally bring this story to an end, we became proud parents of a baby boy who was born on 8th August 2009. He was baptized by Father Vincent on 30th August. We named him Joshua, which means “God Saves” or “God is Salvation”. Quite an apt name don’t you think? He is an adorable child, quite natural since he is special gift from Jesus.

We’d like to thank the following messengers of God for doing their bit to meet his beautiful plan:

    • Neha’s Parents for being the first messengers of Jesus considering they are not even Christians

    • Father Mathew

    • Sister Hazel

    • Father Arokia Das

    • Father Anthony

    • Father Vincent

    • The 2 ladies in Kerala

    • The gentleman who visited Neha’s parents and recommended Divine Ashram

    • Neha’s office colleague who volunteered to help

    • The person on the bike who led us to the Ashram

    • The elderly couple and their driver who showed me a simpler route to Ashram

  • and all the others who I might have missed mentioning, but have played their part in this plan.

Last but most importantly, thank you God and thank you Jesus for giving us a beautiful son. Thank you for showing us the way and for protecting us. We now understand and appreciate the wonderful plan you had in store for us. We love you more than anything!

