Vision about a building on fire

I entered a building which had become dark due to the failure of electricity. Some electrician was attending on the main switch board to rectify the defects, if any. But, he was unable to make any breakthrough despite his best efforts. When he was on the job, all of a sudden, fire broke out in that building due to a short circuit. The fire immediately spread out all over the building and the electrician lost his control over the situation. People were running here and there to extinguish the fire with water but could not do anything at all. I saw the entire building in flames at a distance. On seeing this, I immediately commanded the fire to be extinguished in the Name of Jesus Christ. The fire then disappeared.Afterwards, I saw a very big oil tanker near this building. There was leakage of oil from the tanker and the tanker was catching fire. When I commanded in Jesus’ Name, the fire on the tanker was put out. I saw the tank displaced from its original position. When I commanded the tank in Jesus’ Name to set in its original position, it did so.

Afterwards I entered the building which was in darkness. There I caught hold of a boy and started questioning that boy in connection with the fire accident. I started rebuking him, “You are the Devil causing all these troubles”. Then I noticed two small horns on his head which fact indicated beyond doubt that he was the Devil. I warned him for having caused all these troubles and told him, “Since your days are very short, you are indulging in all these acts. Lord Jesus will bind you in hell when He comes again”. When I loosed my grip over him to let him go away, he ran out of the building.


The big building is symbolical of a very big evangelistic or pastoral ministry. The power failure is symbolical of the cessation of the work of the Holy Spirit in that ministry due to false doctrines. The electrician is symbolical of the leader of this ministry. When he failed to identify the cause for the power failure, and to restore power to his ministry, a prophet is sent by God to that ministry. The prophet glorifies the Name of Jesus Christ and brings the work of destruction to a halt.

The leakage of oil from the tanker is symbolical of the leakage of power of God from that ministry. A ministry ordained of God loses the power of God once it starts glorifying the individual name of the minister concerned. The oil tank of the tanker is symbolical of the intercessory ministry that is available to this ministry through the tears of its intercessors. This tank has to be fitted in its proper place. The ministry of intercessors has to be in accordance with the Word of God. Prayer warriors of a particular minister of God should be Christ-minded. They should have a burden for the lost souls and for the other ministers of God in the same Body of Christ. They should not be so selfish so as to pray only for that particular minister. The prophet comes there and glorifies the Name of Christ and His Body. Through the prophetic ministry, the ministry concerned is restored to its original calling and vision.

The root-cause of all these problems is the Devil whom the prophet identifies in this dream. The Devil injects false doctrines into the ministries of God and causes the power of God to cease in these ministries. The prophet rightly said that it was only Jesus who would bind the Devil in hell when He comes. These days, many servants of God pray, “I bind the Devil in hell”. Their prayers are not scriptural. They can merely cast out of the Devil from the bodies of victims and from the strongholds of the House of God in the Name of Jesus Christ. They have no power to bind the Devil in the hell.

by Job Anbalagan