
God's order of prominence in the Body of Christ

by Job Anbalagan

Though God treats all the members of the Body of Christ equally, He has set an order of prominence amongst various ministries in the Body of Christ. God has set some, in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after those miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues (I Cor.12:28-30). These days, hardly do we attach due importance to the ministries of apostles and prophets, who are the foundation of the Church, the Body of Christ. We have now changed the order of prominence set by God by giving more importance to miracles and gifts of healings which come only after teachers. All of us are not apostles, prophets or teachers. All are not workers of miracles. All do not speak with tongues or interpret such tongues. These days, we find multitudes attend miracle or healing meetings. The miracle ministries or healing ministries are assigned a fourth position in the Body of Christ. Do we crave apostolic and prophetic ministries? Do we give importance to the teaching ministries? The whole Christian world is in the grip of false doctrines, apostasy, confusion and dissention. The Body of Christ lacks unity amongst the different members. All this can be ascribed to due importance not being given to the apostles and prophets who are the foundation of the Church (Eph.2:20).

Today we have in our midst apostles like Paul, Peter, John, etc. But we do not recognize them. People argue that today there are no more apostles and prophets because the foundation of the Church was laid once and for all through the apostles and prophets who existed during the New Testament period. Please note that Paul wrote to the saints that were at Ephesus, “ye are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone”. The saints at Ephesus were built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets at that time. Similarly, we ought to be built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets RIGHT NOW.

Being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets is not an one-time affair but a continuous affair. The spiritual condition of the churches of today is much different from that of the New Testament churches. We need apostles and prophets who would take the Church in the right direction by dealing with false doctrines and apostasies which are more prevalent today than during the New Testament period.

Paul in his epistles dealt with the doctrines of Judaism and taught the new converts on the doctrines of salvation by faith. John in the book of Revelation revealed the spiritual condition of the seven churches in Asia. Where are the apostles and prophets today to expose the plethora of false doctrines, which have surreptitiously crept in the churches, and to guide the children of God?

Similarly, we have in our midst prophets like John the Baptist. But we do not recognize them just because they are in the wilderness. John the Baptist was in the wilderness. But “there went out unto him all the land of Judea, and they of Jerusalem, and ……..” (Mark 1:5). Even Jesus came all the way from Nazareth of Galilee, to John the Baptist to be baptized of him in Jordan because Jesus recognized John as a prophet. We do not go in search of the apostles and prophets. But we go in search of the evangelists who perform miracles or healing ministries. If at all a prophet is perhaps recognized, people flock to him to know their future and pester him to find out God’s will concerning their marriages, businesses or careers. Hardly do they seek him to know the call of God in their lives for His ministry.

Thirdly, the teaching ministries are set by God in the Body of Christ. We need teachers who teach the right doctrines and who rightly divide the word of truth. We attach less importance to the Bible Study. In the Bible Colleges, we need anointed teachers and not people with merely doctorate degrees in theology. Of course, we need teachers who have a thorough knowledge about other religions also and who are filled with the wisdom of God and not merely Biblical knowledge.

In the Body of Christ, there are many precious people who are “helps”. We just ignore those who have wonderful intercessory ministries and who pray for the renowned Evangelists daily. There are many who help the five types of New Testament ministers i.e. apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers and pastors. Without the help of these precious people, the work in the His Vineyard is humanly impossible. Apostle Paul was encouraged and comforted through the ministry of Epaphroditus, a messenger from Philippi who brought a gift to Paul (Phil.2:25-27 and 4:18). Paul recognized him “my brother, and companion in labor, and fellow soldier”. Paul exhorted the Philippians to receive him in the Lord with all gladness and to hold him in reputation because “for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death, not regarding his life….” (Phil.2:30). Apostle Paul sought the ministries of many such helps. These days, the ministers of God covet personal attention for them whenever they go to outstations for ministries. They want themselves to be honored and received. They do not care for their helps. There are many precious people like Epaphroditus in our midst who give their sacrificial gifts to the ministers of God and pray for them.

After this, God has set governments in the Body of Christ. Today there are many ministers of God in our midst who have the God-given wisdom in establishing and running mission fields, Christian social and charitable organizations, schools, hospitals, orphanages, Christian publishing houses, etc. We cannot ignore them just because they carry on administrative functions. As members of the Body of Christ, these ministers do wonderful work. In fact we need more such administrators today. Many young people with their educational and professional background should come forward and help establish many organizations. Their skill and knowledge on Information Technology should be fully harnessed for the Kingdom of God. Unless we harness them for God’s work, this world may make use of them for their work. Such ministers of God with the gift of government should listen and minister to the five types of New Testament ministers. Christian businessmen should explore this world for inventing new business techniques and tools and new markets so that the profits flowing from these business houses can be utilized for the gospel work.

Lastly, God has set diversities of tongues. In the Corinthian churches, undue importance was given to the gift of tongues. The Holy Spirit through the apostolic ministry of Paul gives the least importance to this gift.