October 23, 2020


L E T 'S G E T S T A R T E D !


The term Afro-Latin is used to describe the types of music from Latin American countries that were influenced by the black slave population that came from Africa and was forced to establish itself mostly in major post cities. When slaves were brought over, the only thing they really could bring with them was culture; whether it was music, dance or religious beliefs, they attempted to preserve as much of their rich cultural heritage as possible in their new country. This led to very interesting musical developments, as Latin American counties found themselves to be a melting pot of native individuals, slaves and European colonies. Generally, Afro-Latin music is simply music that evolved various cultures being immersed with one another, influencing one another musically.


African music is filled with interesting melodies and exciting rhythms. Because Africa is a huge continent, its music is very diverse-reflecting the diversity Africans as well as the cultural influences from the surrounding countries. The music in Sub-Saharan Africa reflects the unique and rich cultures and traditions of the region as well as its values and aesthetics.

Purposes of African Music

  • to offer something to their gods

  • to communicate important sentiments and messages

  • to mark occasions such as birth, marriage, puberty and death

  • to protest against a ruler, a relative or a tax collector

  • to educate their young

  • to provide entertainment

  • to cure the sick

  • to lighten the load of hard work


  1. Find a video that shows the use of AFRICAN MUSIC.

  2. If you found the music in YouTube, you can embed it to your BLOG. OR you may attach the link of the video to your BLOG; make sure it is clickable.

  3. Write a short introduction then explain the PURPOSE OF THE AFRICAN MUSIC.

  4. Do not forget to cite references.

  5. Submit link to GOOGLE CLASSROOM.