The white wagtail

The white wagtail is a bird of the same size of a sparrow, consisting of a long tail, and long slender legs. The livery of the dancer undergoes changes during the transition from non-nuptial plumage to nuptial plumage.

The main colors of this bird are black and white, the livery is in wedding dress with black outer tail bianche.Presenta of dark wings with white white side mirrors. In wedding dress does not submit, throat and chest white and a black band evident in the lower part of the beak. It feeds mainly on insects and flying insects that walk on the ground. I've seen a lot, spent a lot of time near the lake Ampollino, always solitary. I was wondering why the wagtails always move the tail, I consulted several texts for this, but none of them convince me. According to articles prehttp: // on the website the white wagtail wags its tail to communicate with other members of the group, and to remain in balance while hunting for earth, I will propose another theory, it is not mine, but Darwin, according to Darwin each species has ervoluta over time to adapt to the environment, habitat, whereas the wagtails live in marshy places near the water and they eat every three to four seconds of mosquitoes I think

that this behavior stems from the discomfort they cause the mosquitoes to the dancer and over time has become an instinctive behavior. Imagine the cows and horses when the flies away !! The tail has other functions, when the collection of insects takes place on the ground they walk or run for long repeatedly, to collect small items and to pursue the more mobile prey such as small beetles and spiders. Their tails are wagging and will shoot up and down or to the sides, even to flush insects. Other dancers, using its tail to wade in shallow water collecting tadpoles and in this case, the tail, the Aiut, but these descriptions do not explain the form comportale's innate movement of the tail of the white wagtail because the tail of the dancer moves continuously, for this I think my explanation is valid.