Bullying a problem ethological: natural selection

Bullying is closely linked to natural selection, the bullies realize what nature asks them in a spontaneous way, attack the sick, the weak, the one that stands out from the others by default. And 'what Lorenz called instinct of predation in the wild to create a desire to attack the victim, I call him the wild man rude because it is an animal that fails to contain the desire to attack the prey, the victim. The bully is an animal because it has no empathy, feels no pain in seeing others being sick, has the mindlike that of a bird of prey, studying techniques to attack the prey, has tactics, is Machiavellian, possesses high levels of aggression that fails to hold, want to dominate others at any cost, needs a circle, a support, because he wants to be sure to attack and win. There are mechanisms that ethology calls ritualizzazioni, instinctive behaviors are those that are also used during other times of life because they prove advantageous for survival.

In humans, this behavior before it was used to attack prey. Today, the most savage attacks the prey but the victims, their conspecifics, in different situations, butespecially when they are sick and weak.

From the studies on the blackcap, it is really interesting behavior fiction wing broken. The blackcap feigns a broken wing to remove the predator from nestlings, and when the predator reaches the flies away. The predator attacks the blackcap nestlings not sick, and chooses the first sick person, not the weakest, this means that the predator prefers the first to the sick, the worst, before consuming it, and let live, however, l 'healthy individual. The predator is drawn from the mother to the blackcap, but especially from the defect and disease. The predators are attracted by blood and disease.

After studying the research carried out so far ,I hypothesize that the aggressiveness of the wild is conserved in humans for centuries, and explodes in front of the defectthat the human mind can not bear, the defect / discomfort may be in the language that the person uses, in gestures, in appearance, his way to be. The attack comes in the Wild when it is opposite to the difference in defect, disease, the monster, the deformed. The human eye can not stand the defect, and highlights aggressivelybecause they want to suppress the deformed life, that monster, imperfection (natural selection). The defect can 'be warned by some and not by others, because the imperfection is felt from one normal and the other monstrous and as we move forward bullying becoming more and more its value its justification, a its specific meaning, becomes effect of bullying itself. The forms of bullying are proof of this, the boys not only feel instinctively attack but the desire to achieve a real purpose in life, linked to other values ​​always instinctive as that of competition between males, the prevarication of the more 'strong and dominance over time strengthened by the rudeness are transformed into acts of deviance and crime. Many people define the rules by which all must abide by illegal and force the members of the group to follow.Any type of organization thus formed is considered criminal. The illegality legalized dominates our society today, certain habits become rules, and if they are also legallychallenged risks his life.

These and other instinctive behaviors of the wild. The main problem today is the adults who not only do not help the victims, but encourage the following behaviors: the competition, winning, abuse of power, giving importance to the glory of their child than the other, encouraging the wild to continue.

The evidence of the bully when he subjects the victim to psychological stress in order to study the moves are nothing more than the same evidence with which the catsubmits the lizard, he played with the lizard, torture, and while writhing he leaves her free for a while 'and then when you are going to lose if he takes it again, because he has to understand his reflexes, his ability to forecast, and these behaviors are always istintivi.Se the cat instead of the lizard, try to propose a thread of wool, will present the same behavior, the instinct is not curbed if we always propose the wire and incitement, the same happens to the man. If a human being offer continuous stimulation linked to success through the abuse will get used to prevaricate, many parents do, insult their children from an early age, teach them the art of war, the boys later, out intended for the same behaviors. These behaviors occur especially during adolescence when kids take on strange shapes because of the growth, long arms, long nose, pimples, etc.. Bullies attack but also the handicapped, the sick. The man still acts by instinct, does not have a brake, the brake is education. Without abrake man is an animal. The man is an animal, as Aristotle said, and I would propose another syllogism if the bully is a bully and a man is an animal, man is an animaltoday, because today there are more acts of bullying. The man of today is not the man progress, is the man of the regression, because it uses the only organ that makes it different, the brain. Someone will tell me then, but natural selection is not an evolutionary process? My answer is yes, it is an evolutionary process, but when you drop down and select the mental deficiency, and even in that case this behavior is not amesso, because the progress of man is derived from education, intelligencedevelops where there is l 'education, and mental deficiency can not be polite, do not exceed a certain limit, but the bad man, the teenager with green hair and long noses are not sick have a defect that wild instinct is challenged by the bully, and those who oppose it as aggressive and miseducate and subject to a risk that during the years goes to meet the intellectual deficit if it has not already. I challenge then, all teenagers with green hair to have them in another color blue, and the board ofselectively evaluate all those limited intellectual who insult them because they have not yet realized that behind that hair hides a great intelligence !!!