Observations in my wildlife center watching

Observations in my wildlife center watching

In my center I observed a goat and two domestic geese. The Tibetan goat had a white spotted black coat, when I bought it was really small. I did not take it to study it but because I wanted to open a small personal farm, to be able to enjoy their friendship. The goat was still in weaning age, for this reason I continued to give her milk

The most important objective of this observation is to find out what elements of human behavior animals understand, and how much they are able to communicate with humans. Animals are good at understanding our behavior while we are not so good at understanding their language. Animals understand human affectivity very well, I will focus a lot on this subject.

The goat shows total attachment to the caregiver, but after some time he cries because for cultural transmission or through the genetic heritage, he does not trust man, he is afraid of being killed. What have the goats codified over time the fear of this ...


His distress call is more 'tragic and insistent !!

Children if you read these articles tell everyone not to consume puppies because there is not only nothing to eat, but there are things much tastier!

By the time Baby, my goat learned to trust me because I gave her milk and I took care of her, I always talked to her, I sang her songs and she became so fond of her. In the morning we went to pasture, and she ran on the mountain among the flowers.