Interesting Articles and Videos 9th August

Interesting Articles and Videos 9th August

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

The Federal Reserve Bank – 100 Years of Deception

By Alan R. Adaschik

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

To most Americans, the notion of our government having been overthrown is the fodder of conspiracy nuts or the province of people out of touch with reality. However, not only do the vast majority of Americans have no clue our government was overthrown at the start of the 20th century, they also have no comprehension of the insane and exorbitant price we are collectively paying as a result.

America once truly was a land of freedom and opportunity, yet without our knowledge, everything changed upon of passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. These changes where extensive in regard to how our government functioned, but from a citizen’s point of view nothing major or important happened. This was no accident but instead, an important aspect of their plan. The changes Americans would experience came slowly at first so nobody noticed or become alarmed, but eventually Americans were put on the rollercoaster ride we live with today.

Almost all Americans know something is terribly wrong with our ship of state, but most of us have no idea what is wrong or how it can be fixed. As a result, we sit back and watch helplessly as the American dream crumbles and dies around us…

How a Private Banking System Works

(The following is an been excerpted from Alan R. Adaschik’s book: “100 Years of Deception: A Blueprint for the Destruction of a Nation”.)

In 1913, Congress made the Federal Reserve Bank the central bank of the United States. This name is the epitome of deception. First of all, because of the passage of Amendment XVII, we no longer had a “federal” government. Amendment XVII transformed our federal government into a national government. Thus, there was nothing federal about the Federal Reserve Bank. Furthermore, it is not an agency or a part of our government. Instead, it is a privately owned banking cartel accountable to no one other than the people who own it. The Fed is not reserve of any kind and has nothing to do with reserves. Finally, it is not even a bank because no one deposits money with the Fed.

The best description which applies to the Fed is that it is a money pump for those who own it and this enables these people to harvest huge amounts of money from working Americans without giving them anything in return. In other words, the Federal Reserve Bank is a racket far worse than a Ponzi scheme or Mafia created con game. However, the tragedy of our situation is that the Fed is racket which Congress made legal by voting it into existence.

Money is a medium of exchange and the study of its use is called economics. In days gone by, bartering was the order of the day. If you had corn and wanted wheat, and I had wheat and wanted corn, we would decide how much of one commodity was equivalent to the other and make an exchange on this basis. However, bartering is an awkward process because of the unwieldy items involved. Obviously, exchanges of goods would be facilitated if people used something less cumbersome as a medium of exchange such as gold or silver. If I grow wheat, by exchanging my wheat for gold this permits me to obtain other things conveniently when I want them. Thus hard to find metals like gold and silver became widely used mediums of exchange.

Once people started using precious metals to trade goods, the need to transform these metals into standardized amounts became necessary. This led to the development of rudimentary coins; whereby a ruling authority would weigh out various amounts of these precious metals and stamp them as to purity and weight. Once this practice became common, it was only a matter of time before coins took on their characteristic disc shape and were impressed with a mint date and the likenesses of important officials. With the development of coinage, a person could exchange the fruits of their labor for coins and use them to obtain other things when convenient. During good times, some people ended up with more coins than they needed. Thus they had to find a safe place to keep them. This brought the goldsmith into the picture.

Goldsmiths worked with precious metals and as a result, needed a safe or strongbox within which they would keep their supplies. Having this capability, it made sense for people to take their excess coins to the goldsmith for safekeeping. Upon doing so, the goldsmith gave them a written receipt for the amount of coins being stored. Soon people realized that instead of trading coins for the things they needed they could conveniently trade the receipts instead. Thus paper currency was born and this blessing freed people from carrying bags of bulky coins when they went to market.

This rudimentary monetary system worked well in small agrarian economies, but as villages turned into towns and towns into cities, a need to borrow money developed and who was better positioned to loan money than the goldsmith. Not only did he have his own money on hand, but he also held other people’s money which was sitting in his coffers doing nothing. Of course, if the goldsmith was going to loan other people’s money, he needed to share some of the interest he earned with them. This was the start of modern banking. The goldsmiths were our first bankers. People would entrust their money to the banker/goldsmith and instead of paying for this service, he would pay them a share of the interest he received from loaning their money to other people. From a depositor’s or borrower’s perspective this made sense, was beneficial, and appeared reasonable. However, appearances can be deceiving and how deceiving will soon be addressed.

If people are going to borrow money from a goldsmith, for obvious reasons, it would be far more convenient if the loan was made in paper demand notes instead of coins. However, the demand notes presently in circulation were for all the coins held by the goldsmith. How could the goldsmith issue demand notes on coins which he did not have? Being a clever fellow, the goldsmith solved his quandary by reasoning as follows: It was a rare occurrence when someone retrieved all the coins they deposited with me. Therefore, if I issued demand notes for more coins than I had, the chances are that I would always have sufficient money on hand to cover the notes which were redeemed by one or even several of my depositors. This line of reasoning made sense, so our enterprising goldsmith went out on the limb and adopted this practice. Upon so doing, fractional banking was born.

No one would be injured or hurt by this practice unless there was a run on the goldsmith’s strongbox. Aside from this possibility, this development was a blessing to society. However, unknown to everyone else, it was a greater blessing to the goldsmith. In fact, it was so much greater that the goldsmiths became far wealthier than an average citizen. For every loan made by the goldsmith, the borrower had to pay the goldsmith not only the interest accrued by the loan, but also the total amount originally borrowed and this was true for every loan the goldsmith made. The borrower was happy because he was able to obtain something he wanted before he earned the money to buy it. The fact that this privilege also cost him the interest he agreed to pay did not dampen his enthusiasm. On the other hand, the goldsmith was far happier than the borrower. He was reaping huge returns from his loans and he was loaning money to every borrower in town. This state of affairs made the goldsmith very wealthy and it was this unconscionable wealth which positioned the goldsmith to hold sway over the institutions of society and in time, even over governments.

It is not right for one person to reap huge returns from someone else’s labor while doing virtually nothing themselves to earn the money they receive. This is why usury was a crime many early societies. In some places, the punishment for usury was death. While it is true that the borrower benefited from his loan, it is also true that until the loan is paid off, the borrower was an indentured servant to the lender. The lender owned a piece of the borrower’s time and efforts. In effect, this made the borrower a part time slave to the lender. In olden days, such a state of affairs was considered to be wrong and immoral.

Throughout history, knowledge about the nature of debt and its creation was a mystery to most everyone. The bankers took great pains to keep things this way. They knew what a tremendously good thing they had going. Therefore, their first order of business was to insure nothing upset this applecart. This is why most governments have never addressed or come to grips with this extremely unfair situation. The bankers were always there and more than willing to use their great wealth to persuade those in positions of authority to help keep their secret. Thus, concurrent with the advent of modern banking, we also have the advent of government corruption. These two things are inseparable and you cannot have one without the other. No one can honestly posture that central banking by a private bank is a good thing for the citizens of a nation. However, many people do and because they do, it necessarily follows that either they are complete fools or feathering their own nest. There are no other possibilities.

Governments should own and operate their own central banking system. If a private company is chosen to provide this service, the government involved should set the interest rate used by this company. Furthermore, said company should only be allowed to keep the interest they earn from their loans. This interest will be a sufficient return on their investment to keep them in business and provide them with reasonable profits. The monies paid to retire the loan, which are windfall profits to the bank, should be surrendered to the government involved and placed in its general fund. If this arrangement had been in place for the United States over the past 100 years, we would be blessed with everything we have today, but would not have a huge national debt hanging over our heads. Furthermore, there would be no need for an income tax and citizens would be able to keep and enjoy all the fruits of their labor. Instead, our elected leaders foolishly allowed the Federal Reserve to keep the windfall profits realized by creating credit. These windfall profits enabled the Fed to corrupt our government and many other key institutions of our society. These include corporations, educational institutions, the media, our entertainment industries, state and local governments, and of course, our Federal Government.

The following is a list of changes which would be to our benefit had Congress not passed the Federal Reserve Act.

  • A tax on income and wages would not be needed

  • The national debt would be negligible.

  • The wealth garnered from establishing credit would finance government operations.

  • Citizens would be able to keep the fruits of their labor.

  • Inflation would be minimized.

  • Depressions and major recessions would be eliminated.

  • Only one member of a household would have to work

  • People would be able buy things through savings.

  • Credit card use would be optional.

  • The work day and week would be shorter and people would be able to take longer vacations.

The above listed things are lost to us because Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. Incredibly, the Fed has given us nothing in return for the sacrifices made by the people of this nation. In lieu of being a benefit to us, the Fed and its owners have brought us nothing but chaos, depressions, and war. They used our money to corrupt the major institutions of our society and now they are using our military, resources, and money to corrupt the entire world.

The Final Word

Our government – the one we lost – was special and something to be proud of. For the first time in history, a group of men came together, put their personal interests aside and established a new government designed to best serve and protect all those fortunate enough to live under it. The government created by the Founding Fathers embodied the loftiest of governing principles and because of these principles the United States of America became arguably the greatest nation in all of history. Not only did our citizens enjoy the highest standard of living in the world, we opened our doors to others and became a beacon for the oppressed and down trodden of other nations. Our government exemplified an ideal and it was for this ideal which so many Americans made the ultimate sacrifice.

If enough people become aware of this deception, all sorts of good things become possible. But unless we wake up soon, the future is going to be a living hell for our progeny. Unless we are prepared to make the same kind of sacrifices to those who came before us; unless we act as beacons for the oppressed and down-trodden and reclaim the ideals of our once-great nation, their sacrifices will have been made in vain — to our shame and dishonor.

Why does your vet vaccinate your dog?

I think if you asked most vets, they’d say it’s to protect your dog from disease, right?

If you agree with your vet, then you really need to read on …

New Frightening Research

A new German study has finally compared about 8,000 unvaccinated children to vaccinated children to see how protected the vaccinated population is.

Why is this news?

Well nobody has really looked at the effectiveness of vaccines before.

That sounds hard to believe, but it’s true.

“There have never been any safety studies done for any vaccine in use today that would meet the criteria of scientific proof” says Harold Buttram MD. “All we have are epidemiologic studies, which are indicators but not proof in and of themselves.”

Epidemiological studies aren’t really legitimate sources from which to draw conclusions about vaccine effectiveness.

For example, if 100 people are vaccinated and 5 contract the disease, the vaccine is declared to be 95% effective.

But here’s the hitch … if only 10 of the 100 were actually exposed to the disease, then the vaccine was really only 50% effective.

So the German study is a really important piece of information. But what they found might come as a surprise to you …

… they found that vaccinated children have 2 to 5 times more diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children.

Check out the results:

Now before you think to yourself that this just applies to humans, you’ll want to read about what happened in Africa with the rabies vaccine.

The Unexpected Fallout From Vaccines

Vets in Kenya felt the same way … they wanted to protect the lions in the Serengeti from the domestic dogs living with the Maasai who they thought might spread rabies.

So in the early 1990’s, they vaccinated the domestic dogs for rabies and over the next couple of years, ironically, the vaccinated dogs began dying from distemper.

Then in 1991, the wild dogs began dying from distemper.

Finally, in 1994, distemper managed to jump species and hyenas, followed by leopards andultimately the lions they were trying to protect started dying from distemper.

The same new strain of distemper in the domestic dogs vaccinated for rabies was subsequently found in the lions and was then found to have caused the death from distemper of most of a captive colony of wild dogs in Mkomzai Game Reserve in Tanzania in 2000 to 2001. Interestingly, these wild dogs had been vaccinated against distemper.

Help prevent parvo and distemper in your dog, naturally – Find out how!

Following this, in 2007 the same new distemper strain was identified for the first time in free living African wild dogs in Maasai areas to the east of the Serengeti, where mass vaccinations of local domestic dogs were being carried out against distemper, parvovirus and rabies. The outbreak confirmed in one large wild dog pack was associated with high mortality of this highly endangered species.

Distemper is also reported to have caused high mortality in Botswana (Alexander et al 1996) where the researchers formerly in Kenya had first experimentally vaccinated wild dogs against rabies in the 1980’s.

“Similar observations were made about the hyena dog, which was in 1989 threatened with extinction. Scientists vaccinated individual animals to protect them against rabies but more than a dozen packs then died within a year – of rabies.” says Dr. Vernon Coleman MB. “This happened even in areas where rabies had never been seen before. When researchers tried using a non-infectious form of the pathogen (to prevent the deaths of the remaining animals) all members of seven packs of dogs disappeared. And yet the rabies vaccine is now compulsory in many parts of the world. Is it not possible that it is the vaccine which is keeping this disease alive?”

So it seems that vaccines outside of the lab don’t really work the way we meant them to …

… but there are often unintended consequences with vaccines and this makes sense because their ability to protect us has never been properly tested.

But Rabies, Distemper And Parvo Would Spread To My Dog If We Didn’t Vaccinate, Right?

Well, actually, there’s really nothing to prove this either …

And drawing again from human research, it’s interesting that most diseases weren’t eradicated by vaccines, as we thought they were.

“We were led to believe that vaccines are solely responsible for the eradication of infectious diseases such as smallpox.” says Suzanne Humphries MD. “Most accepted, without question or personal study, that vaccines greatly reduced illnesses and are a benefit to overall human health. Few know that the mortality for “vaccine preventable diseases” had massively declined before the vaccine campaigns began. But it is painfully obvious (see chart above) that the mortality for the major infectious diseases, including those for which no vaccines were ever created, had regressed to nearly undetectable levels in the population – long before vaccines were introduced.”

So if you’re one of the crazy folks who doesn’t vaccinate their dog, you might not be that crazy after all. Here’s what we do know about vaccines …

Vaccines have never been proven to be effective.

Vaccinated populations are proven to be more diseased than unvaccinated.

Which is pretty ironic when we thought we were giving those vaccines to our dogs to protect them.

I guess the million dollar question is, what exactly are you protecting them from?

All You Really Need to Know About Manifestation

Manifestation Basics

By Cindy Morris

John Corsa and I held a gathering the other evening in which we taught some very basic MUST KNOW tenets of manifestation. I got to thinking about the “letting it go” part of the process and flashed on being in a restaurant. You know when you are in a restaurant you give your order to the waitperson and KNOW, with 100% complete certainty, that what you ordered will be brought to you as soon as it is ready. You don’t go chasing after the waitperson to make sure he put the order in and you don’t go into the kitchen to supervise the preparation of your meal. No! You give the order to the server and carry on with your conversation or your blogging or whatever you’re doing and then VOILA!, as if by magic, your food arrives.

That’s exactly how manifestation works.

Put in your order. KNOW that your order will be completed and brought back to you as soon as it is ready and in the meantime just carry on doing what you’re doing. I’ll have the vegie burger on a gluten-free bun.

6 Steps for Manifestation through Energetic Intention

1. Set your intention when you are in a joyous mood. Manifestation begins with an energetic impulse and since ‘like energy’ attracts ‘like energy’ you cannot create a positive manifestation if you are in a negative state of mind. Joyous energy attracts more joy.

2. Focus your attention. The longer you can focus on a thought or visualization with mono-focused attention the clearer the signal to the Universe to hold the energy there.


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How One Simple Breathing Technique Can Induce Better Health

By Lorraine Ereira

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

We all do it, all day, every day. Even while we sleep. In fact we never ever stop doing it. If we did we would die. But do we ever think about it? Do we realise just how much of an impact it has on our bodies, our minds and our overall health?

It is the simple act of respiration. That’s right – breathing! Believe it or not, there are different ways to breathe, which have different effects on the body and our health. But let’s just take a look at two. Nose breathing which induces relaxation, calm, and improves health, and the other mouth breathing, which most of us do by default, because of the lives we lead, which contributes to many health concerns like elevated blood pressure and an increase in resting heart rate.

I would like to share with you an extract from my latest book Sports Pattern Releaseâ„¢. In this extract I explain how breathing effects the human body. I will then offer you a simple breathing technique to support better health.

“Breathing is something that is all too often overlooked but is of the utmost importance in correct biomechanical function. The human body will sacrifice everything to maintain respiratory function and this includes posture. Nasal breathing is the way we are pre-programmed to breathe and mouth breathing is triggered by stress. Interestingly, when posture is poor, it is easier to breathe through the mouth and harder to breathe nasally. The reverse is also true, illustrating the close relationship between breathing and posture. Additionally, mouth breathers often breathe much less deeply, only using the upper chest, whereas nose breathers tend to use the diaphragm making full use of the lungs, oxygenating the blood and brain. If the diaphragm becomes inhibited through poor posture, stress or bad habits, the accessory inhibitory muscles will overwork, becoming overactive, leading to trigger points and chronic tension.

“There are many different yoga breathing exercises. Pranayama breathing, which is the practice of voluntary breath control, when practised slowly has been shown to have positive effects on immune function, hypertension, asthma, autonomic nervous system imbalances and psychological or stress-related disorders. It has been hypothesised that voluntary slow deep breathing functionally resets the autonomic nervous system. Investigations have demonstrated that slow pranayama breathing techniques activate the parasympathetic (inhibitory) nervous system. This type of breathing employed with deep stretching will have a combined effect on stimulating parasympathetic activity while concurrently decreasing sympathetic activity. This will lower the heart rate, blood pressure and induce relaxation”.

So by simply working on our breathing technique we can induce better health both physiologically and mentally.

Try this exercise for a few minutes each day

Either lie down or sit with a lengthened spine, to open the airways fully. Close your eyes and your mouth and place your hands on your belly and inhale slowly and deeply through your nose feeling your belly rise as you do. Now move your hands to the base of your ribs and continue the inhalation into the mid-section of your lungs and feel your ribcage expand laterally. Lastly move your hands to your upper chest breathe into the top of the lung and feel the chest rise. Hold that breath for a moment, before very slowly exhaling from the top, then the middle and lastly form the base of your lungs. Do this for at least five minutes. Try to focus on this and think of nothing else; give it your full attention. Take note of how you feel after this exercise.

The more you practice the deeper your breathing will become and the more benefits you will achieve. And the best thing? It’s totally free!!

The Potential Health Benefits of Treating Cannabis Like a Vegetable

Juicing Cannabis

Donald Abrams is chief of Hematology Oncology, at San Francisco General Hospital, and a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. He does research on the applications of medical cannabis, and has become an advocate as a result.

Abrams stated, “If cannabis were discovered in the Amazon rainforest today, people would be clambering to make as much use as they could of all of the potential benefits of the plant. Unfortunately, it carries with it a long history of being a persecuted plant.”

Abrams appears in the short film that accompanies this article. The film, ‘Leaf’, provides some unique insight into the benefits of ingesting medical cannabis in its raw form and introduces the newest technique for doing so, juicing. Pressed vegetable juices are very popular in America right now, so it’s no surprise that someone would eventually look into the benefits of juicing cannabis as well. In fact, some people have even suggested that cannabis should be considered and classified as a vegetable.

Vegetables are typically defined as a “herbaceous plant grown for an edible part, usually eaten as part of a meal.” This typically refers to the leaf, stem, flower, or root of a plant. In 1967, the meaning of “vegetable,” was specified to mean, “Plant cultivated for food, edible herb or root.” Some vegetables may be eaten raw, and others must be cooked in order to be edible. When certain fruits and vegetables are heated, they lose tons of beneficial enzymes and nutrients. Cannabis is no different.

The Health Benefits of Juicing Cannabis

Cannabis preparation techniques are based on what benefits you seek from the plant. By juicing the cannabis, you receive most of the medical benefits of the plant without the “high”. Cannabis in its raw form is still psychoactive, just not like the medicating effects you are used to from smoking or eating an edible. In fact, he claims that achieving the psychoactive effects from cannabis is purely a human aspect of the plant that, “Has nothing to do with the 34 million years of evolution the plant has.” Courtney is a dietary raw cannabis specialist, and a strong believer in the plants healing powers.

Dr. William L. Courtney claims, “It (cannabis) has captured these molecules that help our bodies regulatory system be more effective. The bottom line is it’s a dietary essential that helps all 210 cell types function more effectively. I don’t even refer to it as medicine anymore, strictly as a dietary essential.”

While Courtney understands that smoked cannabis can in fact be used as a medicinal therapy, he believes that in its best form, raw, it is a preventative. He claims cannabis is the “most important vegetable on the planet” and that it can assist the function of your immune system, provide anti-inflammatory benefits, and improve bone metabolism and neural function. Cannabis is even capable of inhibiting cancer cell growth according to the doc; the list could go on and on.

According to the doctor, when you cook or smoke cannabis you are actually walking away from 99% of the benefits cannabis provides. Not to worry, in its raw form the plant contains THC-A (Tetrahydrocannabinolic-acid) and CBD-A (Cannabidiolic-acid), which must be heated in order to produce THC and CBD.

Only when you decarboxylate THC-A, turning it into THC, does it cause psychoactive effects or the ‘high’ you may be used to when smoking cannabis. Additionally, the body is able to tolerate larger dosages of cannabinoids when cannabis is consumed in the raw form. This is because when you smoke cannabis, the THC actually acts as a CB1 receptor agonist and your body can only absorb about 10 mg at a time.

Only when you decarboxylate THCa, turning it into THC, does it cause psychoactive effects or the ‘high’ you may be used to when smoking cannabis.

The doctor recommends vaporizing to achieve the powerful anti-oxidant, anti-emetic and metabolism boosting CB1 receptor agonist activity of THC. Courtney suggests, “If you heat the plant, you will decarboxylate THC-A and you will get ‘high’. You’ll get your 10mg (of THC). If you don’t heat it, you can go up to five or six hundred milligrams, use it as a dietary cannabis and push it up to the anti-oxidant and neuro-protective levels which come into play at hundreds of milligrams. It is this dramatic increase in dose from 10 mg of psychoactive THC to the 500 mg – 1,000 mg of non-psychoactive THC-A, CBD-A, and CBG-A that comprises the primary difference between traditional ‘MedicalMarijuana’ and Alternative Cannabinoid Dietary Cannabis.”

The FDA has actually approved a tolerable CBD dose of 600 mg/day as a new investigative drug. This makes the medical potential of drinking the juice containing 600mg of CBD-A, far greater than when you heat the cannabis. Considering CBD percentages are typically below 1% in most strains, it would be physically impossible to smoke enough in one day to ingest a 600mg dosage of CBD.

Two-Way Communication With Nerve Cells

An article written in the December 2004 issue of Scientific American was about a molecule in cannabis that could communicate two-ways with nerve cells. They explained that one-way traffic to nerves is the main cause of inflammation in the body. Immune cells are being continuously attacked, and nothing is communicating with the nerves to tell them to calm down. When you add cannabinoids, a two-way communication is made possible, and inflammation is reduced. The cannabinoids work to prevent, or fight symptoms by providing nerves with this two-way communication.

Ethan Russo is a senior medical adviser to GW Pharmaceuticals, a British company that produces a THC mouth spray called, Sativex. In the mid-‘90s, Russo took a sabbatical in Peru after leaving his job at a neurology practice that he believed, was prescribing medicine with toxic side effects. Upon his return he claimed that marijuana holds the “greatest potential of any medicinal plant.”

A quote from Russo, “CBD works on receptors, and as it turns out, we have cannabinoids in our bodies, endogenous cannabinoids, that turn out to be very effective at regulating immune functions, nerve functions, and bone functions. The endogenous cannabinoid system acts as a modulator in fine-tuning a lot of these systems, and if something is deranged biochemically in a person’s body, it may well be that a cannabinoid system can bring things back into balance.”

Russo suggests that people who do not naturally produce the necessary amount of cannabinoids may be more susceptible to illnesses such as irritable bowel syndrome, glaucoma and migraines. The girl from the movie below, Kristen Peskuski, tells her incredible story of how she used juicing cannabis to treat what she is calling, “endogenous cannabinoid deficiency disorder.” Kristin suffered from a number of conditions that include lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, hypoglycemia, anemia, chronic sinusitis, chronic bacterial infections, and other serious ailments before she started juicing cannabis.

The interesting thing about Kristen’s story is that smoking marijuana didn’t do nearly as much for her as juicing. Before she began juicing, Kristen would smoke a quarter of an ounce of cannabis a day along with ingesting many edibles and concentrates. Now she is off all antibiotics, and uses only cannabis juice to aid all of her ailments. Her OBGYN believes that cannabis may have even assisted her through her pregnancy; which was originally thought to be impossible because of her history with endometriosis.

Tips & Suggestions for Juicing Cannabis

Now we know all this is very exciting, but do not go throwing your dispensary buds in the juicer thinking your about to make a magic healing potion. Here is a list of recommendations from Dr. Courtney on juicing raw cannabis:

  • When it comes to juicing, as with any vegetable, the fresher the better.

  • Cannabis that has been dried and prepared for smoking is not suitable for juicing.

  • Dr. Courtney recommends that patients juice 15 leaves, and 2 large (2 to 4 inches long) raw buds per day.

  • Raw buds are flowers harvested when the THC glands are clear rather than amber.

  • It is recommended that you mix in another vegetable juice to cut the bitterness of the raw cannabis.

  • A popular choice is carrot juice, and a ratio of 1 part cannabis juice to 10 parts carrot juice is a good rule of thumb.

  • Split the drink into 3 parts and drink with each meal, or store for up to 3 days in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator.

Successful and Safe Liver Cleanse in 24 Hours

Get Rid of over 1000 Liver Stones (Literally)

Read more:

We suggest you a liver cleanse that can improve your digestion and helps you to say goodbye to allergies, shoulders pain, upper back and upper arm pain.

Most of the people including kids have stones in their liver channels. Some people have no symptoms while others develop rashes or allergies. When performing x-rays of liver, the stones cannot be seen because they are not calcified and they are very small.

There are many types of stones with cholesterol crystals inside them.

The gallstones can be red, black, green, dark or white colored. “There are bacteria remains inside the stones, and this is because the gallstones began to form with dead bacteria as their core” – proved the scientists.

When gallstones are present, less amount of cholesterol leaves the body and it may increase.

The stones can accumulate bacteria, viruses, cysts and parasites which travel through the liver, and these is because the gallstones are porous.

In this case begins the formation of nests of infections that supply the body with a new bacteria. If you want to cure abdominal ulcer or infection, you should get rid of the gallstones first.

This cleanse is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation or in case of cold or serious diseases!!

Safe Liver Cleanse Remedy


  • ½ cup of cold pressed olive oil.

  • Four teaspoons of unrefined Epsom salt.

  • fresh juice of one large or two small grapefruits.

  • one cup with a lid.

The best day for this liver cleanse is Saturday

We choose Saturday as the best day because it is a day when you can rest. The day before, do not take medications, minerals or vitamins in form of pills, because they can prevent the cleaning of the gallstones.

For lunch and breakfast eat foods with less fat, such as fruit juice or cereal with fruit, (do not eat butter or milk and vegetables with salt). These foods will help you to increase the bile canal of the liver pressure, which will lead to disposal of more gallstones. Bile stones are toxins in the liver that are crystallized.


  1. 2pm – Stop with eating and drinking after 2 pm, otherwise you will feel pain later. Make a mixture of four teaspoons of unrefined Epsom salt and three cups of water, pour the mixture into a bottle and you will get four doses. Keep the bottle in a fridge.

  2. 6pm – Drink the first dose (1/4) of the cold mixture.

  3. 8pm – Drink the second quarter. You will not feel hunger even if you have not eaten by 2pm. In order to successful cleanse of the liver, drink every dose at the exact time.

  4. 9:45pm – Squeeze the grapefruit and put it in a ½ cup of cold pressed olive oil. Close the cup and stir until it gets smoothie. Before you drink this solution, go to the bathroom few more times.

  5. 10pm – Drink the prepared solution standing for 5 minutes and if you suffer from insomnia, take valerian. Lie on your back in your bed immediately after you drink the potion and try to stay in this position for at least 20 minutes. Do not move! If you lie down immediately, more stones will come out of the liver. You will feel the stones traveling through liver channels and because the channels are open, you will not feel pain at all.

  6. When you wake up, take the third quarter of the dose (not before 6 am). If you have nausea wait until goes away and then drink the dose.

  7. After two hours, drink the last dose of the potion and two hours later you may start to eat. You should begin with juice made of fruits, after half an hour you can eat some fruit and half an hour later you can begin with the normal nutrition, but keep it light.

How successfully was the cleansing?

You may have diarrhea in the morning and the gallstones will swim on the surface of the water because of their cholesterol level. You can count them if you want. In order to purify the liver completely, it will be necessary to get rid of 200 stones. You can repeat the treatment two weeks later. Do not do this treatment if you are ill.

Is this treatment safe?

Yes it is! Dr. Hulda Clark introduced this treatment and it has been done on 500 people and more, including older persons that have over 70 years. Nobody felt pain or went to the hospital. You may feel exhausted after the treatment, but it will last just one or two days.

Using this treatment you can get rid of the gallstones without surgery. This treatment is so many years old, that we do not even know its origin.

Attention: If you want to avoid problems, do not change the recipe or the schedule. The liver is sensitive to details.

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1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.

2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours.

3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.

4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds? Place a few slices in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drives garden pests crazy and make them flee the area.

5 Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!

6. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache.

7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation.

8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don't have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water.

9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!

10. Stressed out and don't have time for a massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber with react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown to reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.

11. Just finished a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.

12. Looking for a 'green' way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine - it won't leave streaks and won't harm your fingers or fingernails while you clean.

13. Using a pen and made a mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen writing, also works great on crayons and markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls!!

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