Sunday Family Humour 26th April

Sunday Family Humour 26th April

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

Finally Some Worthwhile Information

Thanks to Ray O'.

1. The first recorded use of toilet paper was in 6th Century China.

2. By the 14th Century, the Chinese government was mass-producing it.

3. Americans got the idea of using paper from the Japanese and packaged toilet paper wasn't sold in the United States until 1857.

4. Joseph Gayetty, the man who introduced packaged TP to the U.S., had his name printed on every sheet.

5. Global toilet paper demand uses nearly 30,000 trees every day....

6. That's 10 million trees a year.

7. It wasn't until 1935 that a manufacturer was able to promise Splinter-Free Toilet Paper.

8. Seven percent of Americans admit to stealing rolls of toilet paper in hotels.

9. Americans use an average of 8.6 sheets of toilet paper per trip to the bathroom....

10. The average roll has 333 sheets.

11. Historically, what you use to wipe depended on your income level.

12. In the middle ages they used something called a gompf stick which was just an actual stick used to scrape.

13. Wealthy Romans used wool soaked in rose water and French royalty used lace.

14. Other things that were used before toilet paper include: hay, corn cobs (see note at end), cotton rags, sticks, stones, sand, moss, hemp, wool, husks, fruit peels, ferns, sponges, seashells, knotted ropes, and broken pottery.

15. Roughly 70% of the world still doesn't use toilet paper because it is too expensive or there is not sufficient plumbing.

16. In many Western European countries, bidets are seen by women as more effective and preferable to toilet paper.

17. Colored toilet paper was popular in the U.S. until the 1940s.

18. The reason toilet paper disintegrates so quickly when wet is that the fibers used to make it are very short.

19. On the International Space Station, they still use regular toilet paper but it has to be sealed in special containers and compressed.

20. During Desert Storm, the U.S. Army used toilet paper to camouflage their tanks.

21. In 1973 Johnny Carson caused a toilet paper shortage. He said as a joke that there was a shortage, which there wasn't, until everyone believed him and ran out to buy up the supply. It took three weeks for some stores to get more stock.

22. There is a contest sponsored by Charmin to design and make wedding dresses out of toilet paper. The winner gets $2,000.

23. There was a toilet paper museum in Wisconsin, The Madison Museum of Bathroom Tissue, but it closed in 2000.

24. The museum once had over 3,000 rolls of TP from places all over the world, including The Guggenheim, Ellis Island, and Graceland.

25. There is still a virtual toilet paper museum called Nobody's Perfect.

26. In 1996, President Clinton passed a Toilet Paper Tax of 6 cents per roll, which is still in effect today.

27. Many Moslems wipe their bums with their bare hand – but always the left and. They eat with their right hand. If you are caught shop lifting, your right hand is cut off forcing you to eat with your poopy left hand which pretty much means you eat alone.

28. The most expensive toilet paper in the world is from Portuguese brand Renova. It is three-ply, perfumed, costs $3 per roll and comes in several colors including black, red, blue and green.

29. Beyonce uses only red Renova toilet paper.

30. When asked what necessity they would bring to a desert island, 49% of people said toilet paper before food.

31. Queen Elizabeth II wipes her royal bum with silk.

33. If you hang your toilet paper so you can pull it from the bottom, you're considered more intelligent than someone who pulls it from the top.

34. Koji Suzuki, a Japanese horror novelist best known for writing The Ring, had an entire novel printed on a single roll of toilet paper.

35. The novel takes place in a public bathroom and the entire story runs

approximately three feet long.

36. Did you notice that there is no #32? Do you wonder why?

Note: Standard practice with corn cobs is to go to the outhouse with two red cobs and one white one. First you use a red one, then a white one (to see if you need another red one) !

Children's Flash Mob

Thanks to Carol P.

You won't believe your eyes or your ears. Exceptional

Beautiful Pictures From Around The World

Thanks to Alex S.

World Fotos

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Impressive McDonald Soccer Commercial

Thanks to Ray O'

This McDonald’s Commercial has to be one of the best ever - The commercial was done in Brazil 2014 celebrating the World Cup. Enjoy this You Tube presentation it is really fun. Bet you watch it twice.

David M's Gallery

Thanks to David M.

Ever Seen A Kid Do This

Thanks to Unslave Me

Amazing Boeing 797

Thanks to Francois P.

The BOEING 797

Boeing is preparing this 1000 passenger Jet Liner that could reshape the Air Travel Industry. It’s radical "Blended Wing & Fuselage" design has been developed by Boeing in cooperation with NASA Langley Research Centre. The mammoth aircraft will have a wing span of 265 feet compared to 211 feet of its 747, and it’s been designed to fit within the newly created Air Terminals for the 555 seat Airbus A380, which is 262 feet wide.

The new 797 is Boeing's direct response to the Airbus A380, which has racked up orders for 159 already. Boeing decided to kill its 747X Stretched Super Jumbo in 2003 after little interest was shown for it by Airline Companies, but continued to develop its "Ultimate Airbus Crusher", the 797 at its Phantom Works Research Facility in Long Beach, California.

The Airbus A380 had been in the works since 1999 and has accumulated $13 Billion in development costs, which gives Boeing a huge advantage. More so because Airbus is thus committed to the older style tubular structure for their aircraft for decades to come.

There are several big advantages in the "Blended Wing & Fuselage" design, the most important being the “Lift to Drag” ratio which is expected to increase by an amazing 50%, resulting in an overall weight reduction of the aircraft by 25%, making it an estimated 33% more fuel efficient than the A380, and thus making the Airbus's $13 Billion Dollar investment look pretty shaky.

"High Airframe Rigidity" is another key factor in the "Blended Wing & Fuselage" technology. It reduces turbulence and creates less stress on the airframe which adds to fuel efficiency, giving the 797 a tremendous 10,000 Mile range with 1,000 passengers on board cruising comfortably at Mach 0.88 or 654 MPH, which gives it another advantage over the tube-and-wing designed A380's 570 MPH.

The exact date for introduction of the 797 is as yet unclear, but the battle lines are clearly drawn in the high-stakes war for future civilian aircraft supremacy.


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