Interesting Articles and Videos 22nd November

Interesting Articles and Videos 22nd November

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

The Psychopathy of Greed

By Zen Gardner

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

I always find it interesting that people blame corporate greed for our overall condition. Sure it’s a major factor at one level, but it’s just an obvious outcropping of something much, much deeper. Sadly not that many are willing to go there.

That the entire world system is built on a capitalist system in one form or another is mind boggling. Defying our innate conscious awareness to the contrary, the signal has been given and repeatedly endorsed as well as crassly promoted that we need to gain off of each other, in each and every transaction, every exchange, in a no holds barred, dog eat dog environment. One look at the marketing world and you get the picture. And the supposed “fittest” come out on top.

This is how and why the populace acquiesces to domination by the few. “They’re just good at what they do. They’re smarter and more motivated than the rest of us so surely they deserve to be winners in the game.”

Humanity’s being told how the game works and that this is your only option. “It’s just the way it is, so get to work and earn your salary, then invest in the game and try to get ahead and make a name and lots of money for yourself.” At which point the sharks devour the unsuspecting guppy.

Group absolved endemic greed doesn’t make it right, however justified, by any stretch of the imagination.

The Corporate “Growth” Model

It’s fully accepted that corporations need to grow. For their good, for our good, or so we’re told. It’s a fear based econo-survivalist psychological scam. Who says they need to constantly make more, for their investors’ interests or otherwise? Yet this is considered healthy in a capitalistic system, under the guise of increased jobs and benefits and a prosperous economy.

Do the employees really benefit? Do the consumers who go increasingly into debt trying to catch the materialist carrot benefit? Who really benefits?

Yet this model is accepted carte blanche as a driving force for a healthy economy. If you stand back to think about it outside of all this financial gibberish it’s completely destructive, enslaving insanity for the good of the few. And yet this model is mimicked as if it’s the paradigm of truth through every level of Pavlovian entrained economic and interpersonal commerce engagement.

Getting to the Root of the Problem

The entire system is built on a background of assumed scarcity, that there’s not enough to go around so unless you push and shove your way into a place where you “earn” your keep and beat those around you you’ll be hung out to dry.

Clever bastards. All while they sit at the top of the food chain devouring their prey.

What’s even more surreal is how those who “succeed” in making a lot of money are then considered authorities on any and every subject. Just look the Rockefeller family, one such clusterfuck among many, screwing their way up the capitalist ladder who then set up think tanks, foundations and whatnot to influence the course of humanity according to their whims.

What or who made them the “wise ones” to rule over us? Guess what: Endorsed greed, abject avarice and the resultant intoxicating money and power in the hands of a few.

Look at creeps like George Soros or Bill Gates and a plethora of other unelected plutocrats, inserted intellectuals and accepted moral and geopolitical authorities like the Pope, lap dog Kissinger or voice pet Brzezinski and the panorama of puppet heads of state. It’s insane. Never mind the Rothchilds, Carnegies, Morgans, the so-called royal families of Europe such as the Windsors and House of Orange-Nassau of the Netherlands, the Vatican or whomever is hoarding the really big bucks.

The message is the same: in their minds we and our world are owned. And they ain’t sharing nothing with the rest of us. Why? Apparently we don’t deserve it. Do you like that fate and outcome? “Everyone else is accepting it, so it must be OK”…reasons the stilted servant.

Greed – A Name You Can Trust

You’ve all heard the outlandish statistics about how few have so much in this world. Yet it is by and large accepted by quiet submission, incredible as that may seem. The problem is humanity’s acquiescence to a rigged system. While the wealth of some of these bloodline families, banking moguls and mega rich corporate thugs could feed the poor of the earth many times over, they sit on their booty and only get more oppressive.

This brings us to the psychopathy of greed, amongst many other issues. Greed is insatiable. It is a vampiristic dynamic. It only sucks and is never satisfied. Wealth soon takes a back seat to power and control, their ultimate aphrodisiac. This is what it all leads to. And this reptilian, archontic urge is never satisfied, it always wants more. At any cost to the hosts of these parasites.

The issue is that psychopathy, especially in positions of power, is not just rampant but so readily accepted. That’s where the problem exponentially compounds.

This is the heartbreaking aspect to all of this, how humanity has bought into their program and replicates these unnatural urges at every level of society, which of course their system is designed to do. And while the masses abuse each other in this same lower vibrational parasitic frequency, no one is conscious enough to realize their oppressive trendsetters are feeding off of all of humanity by the very meme they’ve put into place.

If people woke up to that one fact we’d have an overnight revolution of disengagement causing a massive resetting of how society should and could cooperate.

Conclusion – The 5 Step Program

Parasitic forces build parasitic institutions, and encourage the same in others while maintaining their dominance. Be it corporatism, capitalism, communism and socialism, fractional banking or base line competition for resources and day to day needs, this system is rigged to the core.

Agreeing to help foment this dog eat dog mentality under the guise of survival or “rightful competition” only perpetrates the problem.

To become free and help build the better world we know exists requires conscious disconnection with this systemic disease. It begins in both small and big steps. But the underlying propellant towards change is identifying the problem for what it is. A parasitic disease, promulgated by those who stand to gain, and realizing their mindset is a pathological, direly destructive one that seeks to exert its twisted idea of oligarchical as well as personal control at any expense.

Step Up

First, do your part. Realize what is transpiring before your eyes, no matter how horrid it may first appear.

Second, disengage. In any and every way possible. Just take steps in that direction and the mounting freedom it engenders will empower you to take the next step.

Third, tell others – like a house afire. Use wisdom but never hold back. The hour is late as they are entering their last phases of implementable programs and are getting desperate to throttle humanity’s awakening.

Fourth – stand strong in your convictions. Feed those convictions, strengthen them, and encourage the same in others, as the mainstream of society is a nasty polluted river we must avoid, resist, oppose and most of all penetrate and reverse with everything in us.

Fifth – Stand fast in your convictions. Live a life committed to your newfound awakened understanding… fearlessly. This presence of awakened individuals does more than we’ll ever know.

See greed for what it is, but most of all don’t comply with their fabricated hierarchical world of abuse. It’s fraudulent, manipulative, destructive and a de facto form of voluntary enslavement.

See the world for what it has become. But more importantly, see the world as it should be and operate within that paradigm. Their fabricated world of lies will then crumble at our feet.

Much love, Zen

18th November 2015

By Carolanne Wright

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The health-damaging effects of wireless technology has been a hotly debated topic in scientific circles for years now. Linked with increased stress, brain fog, insomnia, cancer, lower sperm count, Alzheimer’s Disease, behavioral issues and developmental delays, many are questioning the daily use of Wi-Fi, cellphones, tablets, smart meters and other modern ‘necessities.’

For anyone who has first hand experience with electromagnetic sensitivity triggered by these devices, there is little doubt of their negative effect on health, mental clarity and overall well-being. Regrettably, humans aren’t the only ones negatively affected by wireless technology. Researchers in the Netherlands have found electromagnetic pollution can also harm trees.

Silent Damage

When officials in the Dutch city of Alphen aan den Rijn noticed malformations in local trees, they began to question the cause. After viral and bacterial infections were ruled out, researchers turned their attention to studying the effects of radio magnetic radiation on plant life.

According to a study by Wageningen University in the Netherlands, Wi-Fi signals could very well be responsible for the diseased trees, which exhibited bark tears, bleeding and leaves prematurely dying.

The team set out to test their hypothesis by exposing 20 ash trees to varying types of radiation over a period of three months. Trees with closest proximity to Wi-Fi networks suffered from telltale indicators of radiation sickness, including a “lead-like shine” on their leaves, which is caused by the deterioration of outer-cell layers — leading to premature death of the foliage.

The Los Angeles Times reports, “About 70% of all trees in the Netherlands’ urban areas show the same symptoms, compared with only 10% five years ago, the study found.”

The findings aren’t surprising, considering the explosion of Wi-Fi availability and use over the last few years.

The researchers stressed that these tree abnormalities aren’t isolated to the Netherlands — it’s an issue throughout the Western world. And trees in rural or non-urban locations don’t appear to suffer from the same unhealthy fate as their city-dwelling brethren.

After the study was widely circulated by media outlets, enormous backlash prompted the Dutch Antennae Agency to issue the following statement:

“The researcher from Wageningen University indicates that these are initial results and that has not been confirmed in a repeat survey. He warns strongly that there is still no far-reaching conclusions from its results. Based on the information now available, it cannot be concluded that the Wi-Fi radio signals leads to damage to trees or other plants.”

It should be noted the Dutch Antenna Agency “… is a department of Radio communications Agency Netherlands. This is a specialized agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. It has three main tasks: obtain, allocate and protect frequency space.” [Source]

Regardless of the agency’s motivation, it’s not easy to brush aside the findings of the study, especially since other researches have also found Wi-Fi signals harm plant life.

Composed by artist Nickolay Lamm, this is what our cities would look like if WiFi and Cell phone signals were was visible to the human eye.Wi-Fi and Nature — An Unhealthy Mix

Katie Singer is involved with public policy at the Electromagnetic Radiation Policy Institute, an organization dedicated to fostering a better understanding of the environmental and human biological effects of exposure to electromagnetic radiation, as well as extremely low frequencies (ELF) found in power line supplies.

Singer is especially concerned about the effect radio frequency has on our natural environment. She writes in An Electronic Silent Spring:

“In a 2010 paper published in the International Journal of Forestry Research, researcher Katie Haggerty explained that the Earth’s natural radio frequency environment has remained about the same within the lifespan of modern trees. “Before 1800,” Haggerty wrote, “the major components of this environment were broadband radio noise from space (galactic noise), from lightning (atmospheric noise), and a smaller RF component from the sun. …Plants may have evolved” to use these environmental signals, along with visible light in order to regulate their periodic functions. Therefore, they may be sensitive to man-made RF fields. “The background of RF pollution,” Haggerty continued, “is now many times stronger than the naturally occurring RF environment. From the perspective of evolutionary time, the change can be considered sudden and dramatic. …Growth rates of plants and fungi can be increased or decreased by RF exposure. Exposure to RF signals can induce plants to produce more meristems, affect root cell structure, and induce stress response…causing biochemical changes.

Ms. Haggerty went on to describe her study of the influence of RF signals on trembling aspen seedlings. Seedlings that were shielded in a Faraday cage (a metal container that prevents RF radiation from entering) thrived. Seedlings that were exposed to RF signals showed necrotic lesions and abnormal coloring in their leaves.”

Moreover, Singer points out that British biologist Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy is alarmed by the increase in mysterious tree deaths occurring throughout urban areas across Europe. “They also show abnormal photoperiodic responses. Many have cancer-like growths under the bark (phloem nodules). The bark may also split so that the underlying tissues become infected. All of these can be explained as a result of exposure to weak RF fields from mobile phones, their base stations, Wi-Fi and similar sources of weak non-ionizing radiation,” he said. [Source]

If trees are adversely effected by electromagnetic pollution, we need to seriously question how humans and animals can be negatively impacted as well.

If you would like to learn more about the dark underbelly of wireless technology — and what to do about it — visit BioInitiative 2012 and Dr. Mercola.

This Video is A Matter of Life and Death

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Good Hearts, Fooled Minds: 4 Fallacies of the (Hijacked) Environmental Movement

15th November 2015

By Makia Freeman

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The hijacked environmental movement is a symptom of the current general, collective state of humanity: good hearted but ignorant. Many people in the environmental movement are in it for the right reasons: they see the ongoing poisoning and destruction of the planet, led by corporations, and are determined to defend and speak out for the Earth. Yet, in spite of their good intentions, they have unwittingly allowed themselves to be channeled in a direction that is not really going to help the Earth, unintentionally supporting the very forces that are responsible for the pillaging of it.

By continuing to push notions that carbon dioxide is a poison, that global warming exists and all of mankind is responsible for it, that we need a worldwide carbon tax and that we require Agenda 21-style global governance, these people are unknowingly promoting the New World Order program – and unwittingly placing elite controllers in power who don’t care about the environment and view it merely as a resource to be exploited. It has even gotten to the point where those opposing popular beliefs about climate change (another Rothschild-Rockefeller creation) are being treated like criminal extremists – there have even been calls in the US for Obama to prosecute them!

Welcome to Planet Earth. If your opinion diverges too much from the mainstream, you could get locked up for thinking “wrongly”.

With the current focus being on the outcomes of the recent 2015 UN Summit, the hackneyed buzzword of sustainability is being thrown around like there’s no tomorrow. In this context, it’s worth revisiting how the environmental movement came to be so hijacked and co-opted.

Basis for the Hijack: Conspiracy Reports from The Iron Mountain and The Club of Rome

The basis for the hijacked environment movement lies within formerly secret military reports, and one of the elite Round Table groups that run the world: the Club of Rome. I wonder if those who believe in AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) or Manmade Global Warming have any idea that the elite came up with the idea of using mankind itself as the global threat against which we are all supposed to gather behind a One World Government? The 1966 Report from the Iron Mountain was commissioned by John F. Kennedy and considered by Lyndon B. Johnson as too dangerous to reveal to the public at the time when it was completed. This excerpt from it discusses how a global government could be imposed without war, and suggests the threat could instead be environmental pollution:

“ The possibility of war provides the sense of external necessity without which no government can long remain in power… An effective political substitute for war would require “alternate enemies,” some of which might seem equally farfetched in the context of the current war system. It may be, for instance, that gross pollution of the environment can eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species. Poisoning of the air, and of the principal sources of food and water supply, is already well advanced, and at first glance would seem promising in this respect; it constitutes a threat that can be dealt with only through social organization and political power. But from present indications it will be a generation to a generation and a half before environmental pollution, however severe, will be sufficiently menacing, on a global scale, to offer a possible basis… [however] the rate of pollution could be increased selectively for this purpose”.

The Club of Rome is one of 6 groups that are close to the center of the Rhodesian Round Table (ultimately funded by Rothschild) which also includes The Bilderberg Group, the CFR, the RIIA, the United Nations and The Trilateral Commission. The Club of Rome’s 1991 document entitled The First Global Revolution? contains this passage:

“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together … all these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”

Are You Being ‘Green Washed’?

The current environmental movement we see today was hijacked a long time ago. Let’s take a look at the top 4 fallacies the NWO conspirators have managed to get ‘greenies’ to believe.

The Hijacked Environmental Movement Fallacy #1: Carbon Dioxide is a Poison

Let’s start with the basics: carbon dioxide (CO2) is a nutrient, not a poison. We breathe out carbon dioxide every breath, but we also take some of it in on the inbreath. According to the IPCC (Interplanetary Panel on Climate Change), we are therefore poisoning ourselves every breath! Think about it – if CO2 were really a poison, why does it help plants grow so much? Why is it a key part of the fundamental equation of biology: sugar + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water + heat? How is it that those in the environmental movement are ignorant of basic biology?

As the website states, the more CO2 around, the better plants grow:

“In Idso and Idso’s (1994) analysis of soil nutrient limitations, the percentage growth enhancement due to a 300-ppm rise in the air’s CO2 content actually did exhibit a slight (but statistically non-significant) decline, dropping from 51% to 45% when nutrients went from non-growth-limiting to limiting in a group of 70 experiments. But when the atmospheric CO2 enrichment was 600 ppm, this slight negative trend reversed itself, going from a CO2-induced growth stimulation of 43% when nutrients were present in abundance to a 52% enhancement when their supply was sub-optimal. And for a 1200-ppm increase in atmospheric CO2, the percentage growth enhancement jumped from 60% when the soil nutrient supply was adequate to 207% when it was less-than-adequate.”

It’s a simple equation: the more CO2 you have, the more the plants like it, and the faster they will grow.

The demonization of carbon dioxide is not about helping the environment. The NWO idea has always been to attach the worsening condition of the environment to an individual’s energy usage – and even his or her breathing – so as to introduce a carbon tax. The Government literally wants to tax you for breathing – for merely being alive.

The Hijacked Environmental Movement Fallacy #2: The Manmade Global Warming Hoax

AGW or man-made global warming has been exposed as a giant scam. It still remains an open question whether the world is actually warming or cooling, given all the fakery and fudging of data, such as ClimateGate, where hackers found that scientists at the UK’s East Anglia University had deliberately distorted the figures. (See the work of Ian Plimer, Christopher Monckton and others in exposing this.) That is why the term global warming got changed to climate change – this way, no matter what happens with the weather, the IPCC can say the climate is changing. But climate change is a slick truism – you can’t argue against it. Of course the climate is changing. When has it not changed?

The great documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle years ago exposed the lies behind the very political climate change agenda. More than 1,000 dissenting scientists from around the globe have challenged the man-made global warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), undermined its claims of scientific consensus, and shredded its credibility in the process. Furthermore, changes in climate (whether human behavior is causing them or not) are not necessarily bad; in some cases studies have suggested recent changes in climatic conditions are responsible for re-greening parts of the world and changing lives for the better. (see Geospatial Sciences Center of Excellence, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD 57007-3510)

The Hijacked Environmental Movement Fallacy #3: The Carbon Tax and Global Governance as Eco-Solutions

As pointed out above, all this focus on carbon is for one reason: taxation. The whole scheme to get people and corporations fixated on their carbon footprint – rather than how much actual benefit or harm they are doing the environment – is to pave the way for more taxation and centralization of power. To have a worldwide carbon tax, of course, you need a One World Government to enforce and collect it. The UN, ICLEI and its other subdivisions are constantly talking about global governance for this very reason.

In this context, “global governance” means centralizing vast amounts of power into a body destined to become the World Government, under the pretext of fighting man-made global warming or climate change. It also means extending the reach of the United Nations so that local bodies such as local councils and municipalities that belong to ICLEI, (the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, created in 1990 as a non-governmental spin-off of the United Nations) can implement its global directives and make it look ‘grassroots’, or like it was locally decided.

For further information on this topic, check out George Hunt’s work in exposing how Evelyn Rothschild and David Rockefeller were cooking up the cap-and-trade scheme in the 1980s. Hunt was present at some of the meetings where the carbon tax was first being discussed.

The Hijacked Environmental Movement Fallacy #4: Overpopulation

Mahatma Gandhi once said: “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” There is no doubt that rising populations can put a strain on resources, yet where is the proof that the Earth cannot support 7 billion people? Or 9 billion people? Is it really population that is the problem here, or is it rather self-centered greed and destructive environmental practices and technologies?

We can accept the world’s rising population not as a threat or a reason to justify killing (which goes by the euphemism of depopulation) but rather as a challenge. It can propel us into living more from the heart, to having more compassion for those less well off than us, to doing a better job of sharing, of distributing resources equitably. It can stimulate us into better modes of efficiency. Could the rising population help a critical mass of people awake to the truth of free energy, and the fact that free energy or over unity devices already exist which provide practically unlimited energy for free or very cheaply?

It has been known in many countries for a long time that as you increase education, you decrease population, naturally. There is no need for stealth sterilization programs, introducing contraceptives through vaccines or other depopulation murder programs. When people gain a higher education, they organically choose to have less kids. If the conspirators really cared about the planet’s population, why not use their money to help everyone access better education? The answer is, of course, that they don’t.

Underpinning the propaganda of overpopulation is eugenics. It’s the idea that some humans are superior to others, and that some humans don’t deserve to be here. This is really the philosophical and spiritual basis of the hijacking. As they have confessed, the conspirators in their delusions view the rest of the population as a virus that must be rid from the planet. Yet, the real virus is the fear mindset that runs the show in the brains of the elite controllers.

“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.” ~ Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

The Real Problem Isn’t Climate Change or Carbon

The real problem with the environment isn’t climate change or carbon, it’s that we as a collective species are trashing and degrading it. We spill oil in our oceans and rivers. We kill off species faster than we can even classify them. We make substances that don’t biodegrade and end up in giant landfills. We cut down forests without taking enough care to replace them. We use an economic system which incentivizes planned obsolescence and economically encourages us to throw things away rather than repair them. We let maniacal men rule out-of-control Governments that spray toxic weather-altering chemicals like barium, aluminum and strontium chemtrails all over the world – and get away with it.

What does any of this have to do with climate change or carbon? These 2 terms are a huge distraction and a deliberate way to trick people who genuinely care for the environment.

Solution: Get Informed Before You Demonstrate

Do you deeply care for the environment? Great! Then do your research first before joining any protests. Oppose fracking, GMOs, toxic energy systems, geoengineering, and corporate welfare to military companies (the Pentagon is the biggest polluter on planet).

Last year, in September 2014, around 400,000 people turned up in New York for the People’s Climate March – but what is the point of this activism if it gets diverted?

As journalist Naomi Klein wrote in an article for The Nation:

Some of the most powerful and wealthiest environmental organizations have… led the climate movement down various dead ends: carbon trading, carbon offsets, natural gas as a “bridge fuel” — what these policies all held in common is that they created the illusion of progress while allowing the fossil fuel companies to keep mining, drilling and fracking with abandon. We always knew that the groups pushing hardest for these false solutions took donations from, and formed corporate partnerships with, the big emitters. But this was explained away as an attempt at constructive engagement — using the power of the market to fix market failures. Now it turns out that some green groups are literally part owners of the industry causing the crisis they are purportedly trying to solve.

When it comes to our environment, as David Icke says, we need streetwise spirituality. We need to have our hearts in the right places, but also put our thinking caps on, otherwise we will easily by led astray by tricksters. Only once the leaders of the environmental movement have their hearts and brains in alignment can we effect real change on the ecosystems of Planet Earth.

The True History Of The Traveling Wilbury's

Introduction by Mo Ostin The birth of the Traveling Wilburys was a happy accident. Warner Bros. Records' International Department had asked that George Harrison come up with a B-side for "This Is Love," a single from his Cloud Nine album. At the time it was customary to couple an A-side with a never-before-heard track, giving the single extra sales value. This was mid-1988. Cloud Nine was just out. George, along with cowriter Jeff Lynne and their friends Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, and Roy Orbison, had been hanging out in Dylan's studio. I suppose George figured that as long as his pals were on hand, why not use them to knock off this flipside? [

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