Interesting Articles and Videos 19th July

Interesting Articles and Videos 19th July

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

Why You Need to Gain Your Ego's Trust

Lack of Self-Esteem and Confidence: Why You Need to Gain Your Ego's Trust

by Joshua O’Brien, O.M.

Which “Ego?”

It seems that every spiritual, philosophical, and psychological tradition has used the word “ego” differently. Venerable Thubten Chodron, describing this discord says, “Ego is an ambiguous English word with multiple meanings, and we must take care if and how we use it… Its original, psychoanalytic meaning refers to a neutral psychological function. Within general society, "ego" came to refer to the self, and later to a conceited and inflated sense of self. In Buddhist circles, the word is used with a disparaging meaning, but seldom is it actually defined. From this ambiguity much confusion arises.”

There is value to be found in each of these perspectives, but the point of this article isn’t to defend one position over another, or to produce a perfect definition once and for all. My primary intent is to offer some food for thought that might help someone out there take a look at their relationship to themselves in a new way; a way that is less destructive, more creative, and ultimately more loving and healing.

Points to Ponder

As a point of personal growth, it might serve us well to spend some quiet and contemplative time with ourselves looking into any unexamined ideas we might have floating around in our heads. Relevant to the topic at hand, here are some suggested questions to help you get started.

How do I define the word ego?

What are my beliefs about this word?

What are my attitudes toward this word?

How is this reflected in my attitude towards myself?

To read more about self esteem click here

Distsurbing 9/11 Facts

I have been involved in researching the 9/11 affair since shortly after it happened.

That's over ten years of research, looking at something to do with 9/11 most days.

Yet there are some very important aspects which I left uncovered, and now some are revealed providing even more confirmation that the US government, or part of it, was complicit in the murder of 3000 US citizens on 11th September 2001.

I found the body parts information to be quite sickening, but it fired me up to make sure more people KNOW of this.

Excluding the public rhetoric, the real story goes something like this.

The US government needs as much oil as it can get, and will go to any ends to keep the supply going.

It was deemed necessary to run a pipe line through Iraq, and the only way to do that was to take control of the country.

Several other Arabian countries such as Afghanistan were also in the cross hairs due to their oil resources and also needed to be taken over.

Knowing that the US people would not agree to war simply because oil was needed, then another reason had to be created.

So the plan for 9/11 was evolved, and carried out with the aid of secret service members from USA Israel and UK.

The cover story about Arabs hijacking airliners and buidings collapsing at free-fall speed was torn apart, but the faithful press refused to support anything other than the government's conspiracy theory.

But finally the weight of evidence against that cover story is such that now millions are aware that it was a false flag event.

Yet there are millions more who still cling to the belief that it was done by Arab terrorists.

This video might open the eyes of quite a few more

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The miracle of a good night's sleep

Lose weight, have more energy, improve your mood and emotional resilience, boost your immune system, improve your memory, reduce cancer risk.

No pills or supplements, no shots, no special diet, no exercise, no doctor's visit.

Do nothing!

That's right: Do nothing?

Go unconscious every night and get the sleep your body - and mind - need.

CIA torture-ghouls know that the simplest way to "break" a prisoner is simply to deprive him or her of sleep.

Amazingly, every day people deprive themselves of normal sleep - to watch TV, surf the Internet, drink and party etc. - and slowly, but surely, undermine their health.

Get good sleep every night for a week and see the change it makes.

Note: It may take months of good sleep to reverse the accumulated damage of years of poor sleep.

Deep sleep trick: TOTAL darkness in your room. Note that hotels use blackout curtains that cut off all light. There is a good reason for that. Try it and see.

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