Interesting Articles and Videos 31st May

Interesting Articles and Videos 31st May

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

The Vaccine Racket

Amazing infographic reveals financial connections behind criminally-run vaccine industry

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Today we are officially releasing our Vaccine Racket Infographic which details the financial connections behind the criminally-run vaccine industry.

The infographic documents the nefarious players of the vaccine industry: the mainstream media, the CDC, deceitful vaccine propagandists like Paul Offit, the secretive vaccine court, the cover-up of vaccine-injured children, mainstream media propaganda that programs the public to worship vaccines, and much more.

I first sketched out this Vaccine Racket Infographic after observing the behavior of all the key players in the contrived Disneyland measles outbreak, which was used as a public panic springboard to launch a series of government-enforced vaccine mandate legislation efforts across the country. Every player in the vaccine racket played its role in that "medical theater" episode, displaying uncanny coordination and a well-funded ability to gin up the kind of fear mongering that's only pursued when corporate profits are at stake.

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Common Law, Natural Law and Their Place in Our New Society‏

Many things are currently in flux in society. Shoveling out the old and ringing in the new doesn't happen overnight. It's a process.

While we all want to abide by "Natural Law" from our Creator, we also have to acknowledge Common Law, as they are truly one and the same and hold an important place in the elimination of the corrupt courts and judicial system "they" currently use against us.

At least one of our readers is deeply involved in the Common Law justice system and thankfully keeps us apprised of the role of John Darash and other representatives of the National Liberty Alliance who are working tirelessly to free us from the chains to make way for a more just method of governing the People, until such time as they are conscious and aware enough to govern themselves.

Thank you L, for all the time you put into sharing this information with us in your updates. I believe it is important enough that I gave the blog its own "Common Law" category for posts.

Personally, I have been very impressed with the work of the NLA this past year or more when I have been on conference calls and attended a meeting regarding setting up a Common Law Grand Jury, locally. It's really encouraging to see a solution unfold so effectively and these patriots deserve a rousing applause for their dedication.

The terminology alone is an important part of the job. For example, the difference between a "juror" and a "jurist"...

A juror is someone who serves as a jury member in a trial. A jurist is a professional who studies, develops, applies, or otherwise deals with the law.

The work of the NLA is also something that every day folks can take part in; a concrete piece of the network that will serve to take down the corrupt controllers. We don't HAVE to sit around waiting for someone else to fix this problem for us. The NLA appreciates volunteers and is looking for jurors/jurists and paid administrators---and donations, if you feel so moved. ~ BP

Our reader's/notary's update:

May 26, 2015

Here is what I asked John from NLA tonight.

Can you explain the difference between Common Law and Natural Law. There seems to be a big controversy on the internet that Common Law is corporate law and lumped in with statute/admiralty/maritime law/codes. That Natural Law is the only true liberty law and Common Law originates from Roman/English law developed by the barons and keeps us slaves. Does NLA use Natural Law as well?

John said that the corrupt courts will defer to their defacto Common Law but it is not the correct Common Law that NLA uses or truthful books on the subject write about. This may be where Common Law has been mistakenly lumped in with statute/admiralty/maritime law/codes.

He said that the Vikings brought Common Law to the English and are not the barbarians as depicted in books and movies. John says Common Law and Natural Law are synonymous and when you read NLA’s documents you will have a hard time disagreeing with them. They read like natural law. I say the proof is in results and not semantics. The people calling in tonight said they have been having major successes using NLA’s documents.

John said his group faxes thousands of documents to all county FBI agents, Sheriffs, judges, courts, Marshals, Senators and Governors twice a week. All of these so called officials know who NLA is and are doing exactly what we want them to do and that is running scared. Some of the Sheriffs and Marshals are happy to learn their true powers.

In my view, soon NLA members can place a sign in their car window that states “I am a Common Law Grand Jurist and a member of National Liberty Alliance,” and the police will leave you be.

Below is a book John recommended on the subject of Common Law.

Excellence of the Common Law: Compared and Contrasted with Civil Law: In Light of History, Nature, and Scripture by Brent Winters

Citing the most ancient sources, Brent Winters traces our country’s common law (now confined to a half dozen countries) from its roots in the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God and the civil law (now covering our globe) from its roots in Babylon, through Egypt, back to Babylon, then to Pergamos, Jerusalem, Rome, and Revolutionary France and thence on into the entire world.

An absolutely invaluable, eminently readable, and essential reference regarding the Constitutional law of the United States of America.

Over 1000 Bible references indexed. Contents Include: Introduction (35 pages); Civil Law: Origin & Growth (121 pages); Common Law: Origin & Growth (251 pages); Common Law & Scripture (129 pages); Common-Law & Civil Law Contrasted (169 pages); Conclusion (29 pages); Appendices (139 pages); Bibliography (13 pages); Hebrew, Aramaic & Greek Word & Phrase Index (9 pages); Scripture Index (11 pages); Word Index (37 pages).

I am a galactic spiritual person and have not been interested in biblical scripture, especially since I was raised in the bible belt, but the best document writers I know and experience use biblical references in their documents and they really work! I am proud to be the notary for them.

Cheers, L.

And this is another comment L left about the work of the NLA and Common Law vs Natural Law from May 24th, 2015:

Common Law is many steps better than statute/admiralty/maritime law. Lets not throw the baby out with the bath water. In Everett, WA a humanitarian lawyer in superior court only mentioned the Common Law Grand Jury and the courthouse shut down for the entire rest of the day. The fraudsters know we are coming and they don’t know what to do. I expect some are happy about it, but the majority are not. When the Supreme Court came into being, no one paid any attention to it for quite a while. NLA is flooding the courts, sheriffs, public officials, etc with documents showing them they have gone way beyond their capacity and We the People are the only authority. I believe NLA has faxed over a million documents in the last week. Lots of groups are doing great work.



from an immigration officer.

This is an excellent tip i.e. to always insert your email id in your passport on the address page.

Read on to know why.

A passenger with an American passport, changed money, and in the process left his passport and boarding pass on my counter. As it was placed on the side, where my monitor blocks the view; it remained there for over 20 minutes; when the next customer brought it to my attention. I went outside, to search for him but to no avail.

The passport was well worn, with numerous visas, including Japan.

He had travelled from Narita to LAX. The page in the (U.S.) passport where one can write home address and third party contact was blank. All there was his e mail address.

I went on line, and emailed him a brief message, including my phone number.

He turned up about a half hour later, profoundly grateful. He was blissfully unaware that his passport was missing! He was checking his e mail in the cab when he saw the mail I had sent. So he turned the cab around and came back to the airport to collect it. He works in Japan and his work permit was attached to the Japanese visa in the passport. He was in the US only for a week.

In retrospect it is evident that even if he had written his address in the passport, it would not have helped. Even a phone number is not much help, as a finder may not be willing to call long distance, if ' found ' in another country.

An e mail, any one would send, from any place; and you can access your e mail from anywhere in the world, when you are traveling!

Therefore PLEASE WRITE YOUR E MAIL ADDRESS IN YOUR PASSPORT; it can really 'save your bacon' someday!

I am mailing this to everybody that I can think of.

Please forward this suggestion to anyone else you think will benefit.

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18 May - 24 May 2015

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