Sunday Family Humour 25th October

Sunday Family Humour 25th October

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

A Scottish Love Story

Thanks to Bryan W.

A young Scottish lad and lass were sitting on a low stone wall, holding hands, gazing out over the loch.

For several minutes they sat silently. Then finally the girl looked at the boy and said, "A penny for your thoughts, Angus."

"Well, uh, I was thinkin'. Perhaps it's aboot time for a wee kiss."

The girl blushed, then leaned over and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

Then he blushed. The two turned once again to gaze out over the loch.

Minutes passed and the girl spoke again. "Another penny for your thoughts, Angus?"

"Well, uh, I was thinkin' perhaps it's noo aboot time for a wee cuddle."

The girl blushed, then leaned over and cuddled him for a few seconds.

Then he blushed, and the two turned once again to gaze out over the loch.

After a while, she again said, "Another penny for your thoughts, Angus."

"Well, uh, I was thinkin' perhaps it's aboot time you let me put my hand on your leg."

The girl blushed, then took his hand and put it on her knee. Then he blushed.

Then the two turned once again to gaze out over the loch before the girl spoke again. "Another penny for your thoughts, Angus."

The young man glanced down with a furrowed brow. "Well, noo," he said, "my thoughts are a wee bit more serious this time."

"Really?" said the lass in a whisper, filled with anticipation.

"Aye," said the lad, nodding.

The girl looked away in shyness, began to blush, and bit her lip in anticipation of the ultimate request.

Then he said, "Dae ye no' think it's aboot time ye paid me the first three pennies?"

Cell Phone Advancement

Thanks to Paula M.

The Sumsing Turbo 3000 Xi Multitask is the most amazing cell phone ever and easily outperforms smartphones like the iPhone, Droid, and Blackberry. The technology is this phone just blows my mind and I can’t wait to get my hand son one of these phones. So head on down to your local mobile phone store with the rest of the herd and ask for the Sumsing Turbo 3000 today!

Interesting Historical Photos

Thanks to Ray O'.

Historical Photos

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Classic Comedy - The Stick

Thanks to Wally


Thanks To David M and Others

Two Old Guys Dancing

Thanks to Thatdarncat

James Cagney and Bob Hope at a Friar's Club Meeting back when actors were real performers.

Bob Hope was 52 and James Cagney was 56.

The year was 1955.

For the young folks, here is something you've probably never seen before and,

unfortunately, you may never see again.

For us older folks, this is the best of the best, and we had it for many years! This is a side of these two entertainers you hardly ever saw, but it shows you their enormous talent. Bob Hope, the best of comedians, and James Cagney, mostly cast as the bad guy, a gangster in the movies.

Enlightening Statements

Thanks to David M.

Enlightening Statements

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