Interesting Articles and Videos 1st March

Interesting Articles and Videos 1st March

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

Interview with Karen Hudes: World Bank Whistle-Blower

Karen Hudes has appeared on many alternative news shows but this is

the first time she has been given two hours to fully explain her discovery

of the structure of worldwide corruption in the realm of finance.

Project Camelot's Kerry Cassidy describes this almost 2-hour interview

of Karen Hudes, thus:

"This is my interview with Karen Hudes the Whistle-blower from the World Bank.

This is a wide-ranging discussion covering her time at the World Bank and what led

her to blow the whistle on the corruption she found there. In the process, her view

of the worldwide corruption widened to include governments and the overall

monetary system.

"We discuss the 'backwardization' of gold, the manipulation of the dollar and the need

to replace the current fiat system with a gold or asset-backed currency and the plans

of the cabal to create chaos and institute the NWO."

Video: (around 116 mins)

Project Camelot: Interview with Karen Hudes:

World Bank Whistle-Blower

Get Ready For The Jubilation

Thanks to John Winston

channeled by James McConnell

(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Prepare For Change group in Glendale, AZ

on February 15, 2015) St Germain

St. Germain speaks

This is “St. Germain”. The one known to you as such. It is my great pleasure to be with you once again.

These are indeed, times for jubilation! For so many of the things that we have spoken of in the past are now ready to manifest in your world. And it is not just the treasures and the monetary goodness that everyone has waited for. It is so much more than that. Those in this group who have been working so diligently around the planet as well in this room and in your own private lives have waited for the treasures but you have also invested the time and diligence to work on your own growth and your own preparedness.

The funds that will be released and are, at this present time, being released are meant to be no more than a transition. For so much of what you have been indoctrinated into for thousands of years upon this planet is this concept of “work for money”. Work for those things you need, to be provided for you in this dimension.

What you will be moving into initially will be seeing a freedom for all people upon the planet. Freedom from not having to work for your existence any longer. And in that transition you will be taught and you will come to know that you do work out of service, out of joy. Your work might be writing poetry or it may be doing grand works of artwork. It may be singing songs. It may be teaching children the new ways. Your work will be a service you love and it will not be work, it will be joy. That is a huge shift for this planet. For the concept of working for living is no longer going to be appropriate as you move forward in this consciousness shift.

So many things that have been drivers for the economy upon this planet that are pure distractions from what will bring you true joy will also shift. They may not totally go away initially but things such as sporting events, which are no more than evolved gladiator games from the Roman eras, will fall into disfavor. Sporting events have grown into a huge opportunity for those that have been in charge to increase their revenue and to keep you distracted.

Those that have been celebrating the lives of celebrities, those who have lived their lives after others and trying to be like others will discover that this effort gives them no sense of their selves. For empowerment is what we are bringing to you. Self-empowerment and an understanding that everyone will be able to do exactly what they choose to do.

The world will work in a totally different way. And I know there are naysayers who say, “How can this happen?” And yet we bring you the word today to say it IS happening! That is what the celebration is about. While those who have clung to the distractions to keep you from the truth of your own power and to keep you too busy to learn about the world as it should be, as it may be, as it could be, as those are removed and have removed themselves from the picture their energies will no longer be distracting you. And this is what we promised!

You will know how to manifest because it will become a part of your life. Not immediately but not in that long a term either. The money that comes is, yes, to be used for humanitarian purposes however even those are shifting away quickly. For as all upon the planet are gifted and all of that which has been hidden is come to you.

You will know that the New World is going to be exciting and challenging and fun. And the fear will disappear because the energy continues to rise. And fear is only present when one is concerned about their existence, from being harmed, from not having enough and from not having a roof over their heads. All of these things shall disappear.

This has been a very long time in coming. It started to surface several times but did not make it in the dimension in which you live. But no longer is that the situation. Now the Golden Age is in place. You will not go back! Do not pay heed to those messages of scarcity for some period of time or worrying about things. That is old programming. We want to share the Celebration with you! The Jubilee with you! We want you to hold to the pictures of abundance for all. And not just of abundance of money, my friends. Abundance as sands upon the ocean’s shores. Abundance of the rain, of droplets in the lakes and the water. Abundance that you are! YOU ARE!

What you will see as you come to understand true abundance is that those things in this world that have made this world operate will be null and void. They will be gone. The transition will be as smooth as the rain that comes on a Spring morning to wash and to lift all in a higher place of vibration. The instant of understanding will bring an instant understanding of manifestation in truth. Yes, (a member of the group) had a wonderful experience of this yesterday and it is perfect timing to share this with the group today! (The member had a crystal heart manifest for her on Valentine’s Day. She said, “Miracles do happen!”)

All of these things are synchronicities for we have been visiting with all of you this week. We dropped those thoughts into your discussion today that you might touch on these things that are so important to understand.

It is hard to think in your minds that this can all transform in a blink of an eye. Some would say that this is allegorical and really pertains to all of creation and so 50 years would be a blink of an eye but I tell you that is not, that is not what we share. We tell you a blink of an eye because as you are lifted from this role in this world that you have been trained to believe in and even for those who believe that they are awake and aware, those too, even you, will be so surprised how many things are just beneath the surface to be discovered. The beneath the surface is that veil being lifted and the energies flowing at a higher resonance so your frequencies can rise and you can, see, hear, speak things that you do not know at this instant in your chairs. joy

Yes, I am excited. We are excited. All of these things are coming. They are coming but they’ve already been here. It is that shift in your perception, that shift in your understanding and yes, we know that you feel that you need to see it in your 3D world to really know it but you have been trained in this group that knowing is not as important as believing. And in believing and having this in your heart and your internal being releases you to know and to see it in your world.

We would share again, as the monies that have been promised unfold for you in this world and are in the process of doing so now, that you remember that this is only a transitional period and you as an “Inside Group”, you will know how to continue to lead others upon the path of expectation.

That is my message today. I bid you adieu and I thank you for all of your work, all of that which do.

Please know it is your’s to take this message to the world. Take it to heart.

My love to you always and forever. “St. Germain”

Ancient-Awakenings blog site

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated

Hidden History of the Human Race

I found this fascinating from start to finish

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Collective Evolution III

Thanks to Forbidden KnowledgeTV

'The Collective Evolution III' is a powerful documentary that explores

a revolutionary shift affecting every aspect of our planet.

As the "shift hits the fan", people are becoming more aware of the control

structures that prevent us from experiencing our full potential.

CE3 uses a different level of consciousness and scientific facts to

bring clarity about the shift, while dispelling myths about our true nature.

It offers practical steps that we can implement, right now to transition

out of survival-mode and into our more natural state of peace and


CE3 includes fascinating interviews with revolutionary speakers and

people who are already opting out of the current socioeconomic system.

The film examines hidden technologies and exciting alternatives for a bright

limitless future.

This is the most exciting time in the history of our world!

Check it out.

(Video: Almost 83 mins):

The Collective Evolution III: The Shift (2014): Full Film

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16 Feb - 22 Feb 2015

Members = 2028


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