Sunday Family Humour 31st May

Sunday Family Humour 31st May

Jokes presentations, videos, pictures, cartoons - family humour

Six Little Stories

Thanks to Lee

{1} Once all villagers decided to pray for rain,

on the day of prayer all the people gathered,

but only one boy came with an umbrella.

That's FAITH

{2} When you throw a baby in the air,

she laughs because she knows you will catch her.

That's TRUST

{3} Every night we go to bed,

without any assurance of being alive the next morning

but still we set the alarms to wake up.

That's HOPE

{4} We plan big things for tomorrow

in spite of zero knowledge of the future.


{5} We see the world suffering,

but still we get married and have children.

That's LOVE

{6} On an old man's shirt was written a sentence

'I am not 60 years old....

I am sweet 16 with 44 years experience'


Have a happy day,

live your life like the six stories!

Beautiful and Inspirational Colours and thoughts

Thanks to Carol P.

Beautiful and Inspirational Colors and Thoughts

Animal Crackers

Thanks to David H.

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55 most Useful Life Hacks

Thanks to Bert

55 Most Useful Life Hacks

Jazz in Istanbul

Thanks to Francois P.


A Muslim Nation where Men are Without Beards

as they arent permitted to wear them and Women are Banned from Wearing The Burka.

They were outlawed since the 1st World War

Getting Older Cartoons

Thanks To Bert

Artful Photos

Thanks to Paula M.

Autistic Photographer

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