Interesting Articles and Videos 27th September

Interesting Articles and Videos 27th September

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Waking Up In The Dream – The Real Secret to Manifestation

By Nanice Ellis

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Do you know that you are dreaming, and that nothing is happening outside of you? This means that there is no competition and there is nothing that you cannot be, do or have. This is your dream and you are the dreamer. Indeed, this can be a scary realization or the most liberating. Possibly both?

Waking up in the dream state requires 100% responsibility for everything in your dream. This includes close and personal experiences as well as the global container in which you live and breathe. If you are even aware of something, it is a part of your dream.

When you are ready and willing to wake up, you must stop shifting responsibility and you must take complete ownership of the dream called your life. Every time you blame someone or something you give your power away and you stay asleep.

Instead of asking why something is happening to you or why someone is doing something to you, the only question is “Why are you doing it to yourself?” Everyone whom you experience is simply reciting the lines you gave them and fulfilling the roles you cast. No one is doing anything to you or taking anything from you. It is simply you and you.

I know that this can be difficult to digest, but if you have gotten this far in reading, at least a part of you remembers the truth of who you really are.

You might wonder, if we are all just dreaming, how does it all seem so real? Well, don’t let the real in “reality” fool you. This is all just smoke and mirrors disguised as a flowing and logical story that the human mind can project, process and accept as real. If you could step back for just a moment, you would clearly see, that when you withdraw your energetic and emotional participation, the “state of reality” melts away as the dream.

This is the beginning of spiritual awakening. This is the beginning of true freedom and liberation from perceived bondage. After all, how can you be imprisoned in a dream? And, if you do perceive yourself as imprisoned, abused or condemned in some way, it is just you doing it to you. This means that the key to unlock the prison door is in your hands, and at any moment you can put the key in the lock and turn it.

Freedom does have a cost – that cost is surrendering the illusion in exchange for the Truth.

All suffering is believing that the dream state is real and absolute – and that we are subject to unreasonable forces outside of our control. But, in a dream, there is nothing that exists outside of you and therefore nothing can control you, unless you are dreaming it as such.

You may be asking, if this is true, then why would we cause ourselves pain, and why would we ever withhold love and abundance from ourselves? From a state of amnesia, we simply don’t remember that we are dreaming the whole grand story, and that any time we can change the course of events simply by waking up and dreaming a new dream.

Because the story of life contains self-imposed rules and expectations, we create our lives based on these self-imposed rules and expectations. When we go against the “shoulds and have tos” of family, society or culture, we often punish ourselves with judgment, and as a result, life manifests in such a way to demonstrate that judgment so that we can recognize it and ultimately release it. Self-judgment manifests as feelings of unworthiness and unworthiness manifests as issues and challenges unique to our specific beliefs about ourselves and “reality.”

If you have been taught that you can only have love or abundance if you meet certain conditions and you never meet those conditions, then you will not allow yourself love or abundance, but without pre-imposed conditions anything and everything is possible. When we surrender our conditions and limitations, love and abundance flow naturally with ease and grace. Contrary to popular belief, the Universe does not punish or reward. It is only us doing it to us. Karma is what we do to ourselves through our beliefs.

Can you now see that Waking Up is the real secret to manifestation and creating the life you truly desire?

From the awake state you can dream any dream, and it will materialize just for you.

So, How Do You Dream a New Dream?

It’s all about focus and imagination.

Step 1: Remove your energy and attention from the drama that no longer pleases you. This means that you must stop reacting to “reality.” You must stop feeding the illusion with your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. As long as you are in a state of reaction, you single handedly perpetuate the illusion.

Step 2: Know that you are unconditionally worthy right now. There is nothing that you need to do in order to prove your worth. Believing that you are not worthy is part of the illusion and what keeps the illusion running. A huge aspect of Spiritual Awakening is reclaiming your worth – remembering that you are unconditionally worthy and there is nothing to prove.

Step 3: Begin to imagine a different life – a life full of everything that you truly desire. If you are like most, your imagination has been dormant and it might be challenging, at first, to activate the power of your imagination. But, you can do it. It is your natural born gift, and the more you practice imagining a new life that fits you like a glove, the easier it will be to imagine that life into being. Begin wherever you can. If you can only imagine one aspect of a better life, that’s fine. But, practice your imagination every day until you get really good at imagining your best possible life, as if it is occurring right now. If you find something difficult to imagine, find a version of the new dream that is easier for you to allow.

Above all, focus on what you do want – not on what you don’t want!

Image: “Waking Up In A Dream” by

Step 4: At some point in this process of Dreaming a New Dream, opportunities will present themselves, you will get a bright idea or you will be inspired to do or create something. Follow the leads, even if they seem unusual or unrealistic. In a dream state, “realistic” doesn’t count for much, unless you believe it does and give it power. When you receive inner guidance or intuitive hits, it is the Universe giving you instructions so that you can align with your desires and create the dream that you most want to live.

If you can imagine it, and you are willing to give it to yourself, you can experience it.

This is your personal invitation to living a magical and miraculous life. From the Awake State, you can do, be or have anything that you desire. It is your dream – make it the best one possible!!!

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream…

The Best Vaccine Information Video Ever

How to save your child's life

Essential viewing for those who still think that they might vaccinate their child

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“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” ~Buddha

We all want to be liked. It’s programmed into our DNA and throughout our lives the message is drummed into us loud and clear: put other people first, don’t blow your own horn, and above all, never be selfish.

Our society conditions us to tend to everybody else’s needs while ignoring our own, as if this is somehow a virtuous and noble vocation.

But what if I told you that you could take care of your own needs as well as the needs of others and be happy at the same time?

“Me” Is Not a Dirty Word

Most people confuse self-care with selfishness. The fact of the matter is that you are no use to anybody else if you don’t take care of your own needs first.

If you have spent your whole life saying yes when you want to say no, never asking for what you want, or constantly avoiding conflict, what I’m about to say may come as a shock to you:

The sky doesn’t fall in when you set boundaries.

You don’t always have to be the easy-going, laid back one. You can express your preferences, disagree with another person’s point of view, or decline a social invitation without getting anybody’s nose out of joint; and you can do this in an easy, open respectful manner.

Instead of saying nothing or flying into a rage when something doesn’t sit right with you, you can choose the middle way—being assertive. Assertive communication sends the message: “I respect you and I respect myself.”

It’s also a healthy way to communicate because if you ignore your own needs and stuff down your negative emotions, they will only come back to bite you later on.

I’m not saying you should go on a rampage of self-indulgence and narcissism. Instead, ask yourself “how can we both win in this situation?” For example, let’s say you always let your friend pick the movie when you go out.

Next time you could say, “Actually, I’d really like to see this movie instead. How about next time you get to choose what we see?”

A happy life has a healthy balance of giving and receiving. Creating that balance starts with believing that you deserve to be as happy as those around you.

We Teach People How To Treat Us

When I was seven years old I was acutely aware of the pecking order in my class. There was the ever coveted popular group…and then there was me.

I wanted so much for the cool kids to like me that I would do almost anything for them. One of the popular girls lived around the corner from me, so on weekends we would play together. When we were alone she was very nice to me and we got along famously.

But as soon as we were at school she would suddenly switch, excluding me from her games, making fun of me in front of others, and being really cruel to me.

One day I had just received a beautiful set of coloured crayons for my birthday, which I was using during drawing class. This girl asked me if she could use my crayons. After some consideration, I said “Yes, but only if you will be my friend.”

She said, “Sure I’ll be your friend.” In good faith I allowed her to share my crayons, truly believing that she would keep her word. Alas, the moment drawing class finished she returned to her old bullying behaviour and I was left feeling angry, sad, and confused.

I learned a very important lesson on that day: if you’re nice to other people they’re not necessarily going to be nice to you in return.

The lesson I didn’t learn from that day (a lesson that would continually be thrown at me for many years to come) was that we teach people how to treat us. I was the one who was allowing this girl to bully me and use me; and only I could change that situation.

Unfortunately, as the years went by I continued to allow myself to be mistreated by friends, co-workers, and boyfriends, all because I just wanted them to like me.

The real problem was that I didn’t like myself. Then finally one day the penny dropped. How could I possible expect other people to respect me if I had no respect for myself?

From that moment onward I stopped handing out crayons to just anybody. I ditched the “frenemies” and opened up space to attract the kind of people I really wanted in my life.

Nowadays those who have the privilege of my friendship have to earn it through trust, respect, integrity, and congruence between actions and words. And I don’t mind telling you I have a pretty great bunch of people in my corner.

How to Set Boundaries

If you’re used to doing anything to avoid rocking the boat, setting boundaries can be a bit scary at first. But trust me, once you start it will become easier with time and practice.

It’s not about stepping on anybody’s toes or being aggressive. You are simply creating the habit of respecting your own needs as well as those of other people so that everybody wins sometimes.

Start with baby steps. Pick your battles and listen to your gut along the way. For example, if you’re used to saying yes all the time, try saying yes only 50 percent of the time.

Other ways you can be assertive are:

  • Say no when a friend asks you for a favor without feeling obliged to constantly apologize

  • Don’t volunteer to do something just because you think you “should”

  • Voice your preferences when choosing dinner, movies or other activities in a group

  • Express your opinion respectfully in an even tone without raising your voice

Happy people make other people happy. When you are getting your needs met, your loved ones will also benefit from this.

As a visitor on this planet you have as much right to happiness as anybody else. So if you want to be happy, choose the middle way. Respect yourself as well as those around you, and when you spread the love around make sure you have some left over for yourself.

25 amazing (and disturbing) facts about the hidden hidden history of medicine

Uncover the absolutely shocking facts they don't want you to know


In this NaturalNews report, you'll learn startling details that are 100% true, yet never mentioned in the mainstream media or by health authorities. Discover things like:

• How the modern cancer industry is actually a medical cabal of criminal government, corporate and non-profit groups that have all agreed to suppress cancer cures and make sure cancer keeps worsening.

• How modern chemotherapy chemicals are derived from the chemical weapon known as "mustard gas" used throughout World Wars I and II.

• Why 75% of physicians refuse to undergo chemotherapy (but they recommend it to their own patients).

• Fact: Modern-day blood-thinning drugs are made from a combination of rat poison and pig intestines.

• Fact: The former chairman of Bayer was found guilty of Nazi war crimes during the Nuremberg trials.

• FDA-admitted fact: How prescription drugs kill one million Americans every decade.

• How the 1910 "Flexner Report" initiated a century of suppression of natural cures (and endless profits for organized medicine).

• Fact: Most diseases can be prevented or cured with minerals, but the medical establishment has criminalized any such claims.

• The truth about a prominent psychiatric doctor who would remove patients' teeth and other organs in order to "cure" them of mental disorders. He claims an 85 percent cure rate.

• Fact: If you're eating non-organic food, you're probably eating Zyklon B, the chemical used by Hitler to gas Jews to death.

• Fact: Water fluoridation chemicals have never been approved by the FDA. They remain a global medical "experiment."

• A hundred years ago, only 1 in 100,000 Americans had diabetes and heart attacks were a rarity. Pediatric cancer was almost non-existent. What changed?

• The real truth about the FDA's suppression of a known cancer cure.

• How LIFE Magazine promoted sugar as a weight-loss aid, and JAMA promoted cigarettes as a way to increase your brain function.

• How a long-time editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association was actually a quack and a fraudster. He also ran the AMA.

• The truth about modern-day vaccines and where they really come from: Nazi medical experiments.

• How the USDA sold out to corporate food interests while abandoning the nutritional needs of the American people.

... and many other facts that will open your eyes and blow your mind. All 25 facts are verified as true and backed up with sources and citations. This isn't fiction! It's hard-core truth about the food industry and why you need to know what you're really eating.

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